Working Papers

Working Paper Archive

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WP# Title Topic Downloads
September 1, 2024
Other 2
292 Regional Integration and Dynamic Adjustments : Evidence from Gross National Product Functions for Canada and the United States
Chapda Nana Guy March 15, 2011
Trade Patterns 48
1209 A Model of Corruption and Foreign Direct Investment à la John Dunning
M. Fabricio Perez March 17, 2017
Foreign Investment 29
1711 The Role of Immigrants in the United States Labor Market and Chinese Import Com
Chan Yu August 31, 2020
Immigration 9
1813 "De Minimis" Trade is not Minimal: Tax Avoidance and US-China Trade Conflicts
Jianpeng Deng June 30, 2024
Trade Policy - General 9
1211 'Smile Curve': where Value is Added along Supply Chains
Armando Rungi March 18, 2017
Firm Level - General 43
13 A Balls-and-Bins Model of Trade
Miklos Koren January 9, 2009
Trade Patterns 63
242 A Bayesian spatial probit estimation of Free Trade Agreement contagion
Dany Jaimovich November 28, 2010
Trade Policy - Regional 49
1307 A bilateral monopoly model of profit sharing along the global supply chains
HuangNan Shen Jim Pasquale Scaramozzino December 4, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 8
1252 A bilateral Monopoly Model of Profit Sharing along the Global Supply Chains
HuangNan Shen June 21, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 40
WP# Title Topic Downloads
338 A Comprehensive Empirical Analysis of Trade Policy in a Small Country with Monop
Carlos A. Cinquetti August 1, 2011
Trade Policy - Regional 44
41 A Cross Country View On South-North Migration And Trade
Giulia Bettin March 31, 2009
Immigration 46
526 A Decade of SEZs Expansion in India – Promises and Paradoxes
Malini L Tantri July 12, 2013
Trade Policy - Regional 45
697 A Dissection of Trading Capital
Ferdinand Rauch March 27, 2014
Trade Patterns 34
33 A Dual Definition for the Factor Content of Trade and its Effect on Factor Rewar
Agelos Delis March 25, 2009
Trade Patterns 56
881 A Global Trade Model for the Euro Area
Michele Modugno March 26, 2015
Trade Patterns 31
904 A group of ideas around entrepreneurship
Semaan Chayya May 19, 2015
Development 27
1737 A machine learning approach to forecasting carry trade returns
Xiao Wang September 20, 2020
Other 26
1460 A Model of Heterogeneous Firm Matches in Cross-Border Mergers & Acquisitions
Steven Brakman November 29, 2018
Firm Level - Productivity 9
1640 A Monopolistic Competition Model of Heterogeneous Firm Matches in Cross-Border M
Michiel Gerritse December 9, 2019
Foreign Investment 6
WP# Title Topic Downloads
778 A New Measure of Economic Distance
John Gilbert November 3, 2014
Trade Patterns 42
866 A New Test of Factor Mobility
Kathryn Marshall February 15, 2015
Trade Patterns 28
672 A Note on the Export Performance of Bangladesh during the Recent European Recess
M. A. Taslim January 27, 2014
Trade Patterns 37
668 A Note on the Export Performance of Bangladesh during the Recent European Recess
M A Taslim January 22, 2014
Trade Patterns 37
698 A RSD-AIDS, Augmented with Quality in the study of French imports
Thannaletchimy March 27, 2014
Trade Policy - General 38
1661 A Short Note on Intra-trade Ratio, Regional Integration and SAARC Trade
M A Taslim January 29, 2020
Trade Policy - Regional 13
470 A Spatial Knowledge Economy
Donald Davis July 13, 2012
Other 39
1697 A Tractable Model of Transshipment
Jingting Fan July 19, 2020
Transportation 13
1723 Abenomics and the Japanese Economy
Perna Gandhi September 7, 2020
Other 8
989 Abenomics: An Update
Joshua Hausman November 30, 2015
Political Economy 28
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1625 Accounting for Chinese Exports
Kevin Lim December 7, 2019
Trade Patterns 14
1581 Accounting for cross-country income differences: New evidence from multinational
Vanessa Alviarez August 1, 2019
Firm Level - Productivity 9
63 Accounting for Intermediates: Production Sharing and Trade in Value Added
Robert Johnson June 24, 2009
Trade Patterns 60
722 Accounting for Skill Premium Patterns during the EU Accession: Productivity or Trade?
Sang-Wook (Stanley) Cho May 22, 2014
Development 36
34 Across-Industry Specialization as a Result of Capital Accumulation?
Shuichiro Nishioka March 25, 2009
Trade Patterns 37
1378 Adapting to within-country export barriers: Evidence from the Japan 2011 Tsunami
Masashige Hamano March 5, 2018
Trade Patterns 17
1322 Adapting to within-country export barriers: Evidence from the Japan 2011 Tsunami
Masashige Hamano December 12, 2017
Transportation 10
783 Afghanistan's Accession to WTO: Costs, Benefits and Post Accession Challenges
Ahmad Shah Mobariz November 7, 2014
Trade Policy - General 23
936 Agency Problem, Trade Liberalization and Aggregate Productivity
Cheng Chen July 29, 2015
Firm Level - Productivity 24
107 Agglomeration Premium and Trading Activity of Firms
Gabor Bekes December 13, 2009
Firm Level - Trade 57
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1817 Agricultural Trade and Food Security
Jayjit Roy August 12, 2024
Other 5
1195 Agriculture and Food Global Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa: Does bilateral trade policy impact on backward and forward participation?
Davide Del Prete February 22, 2017
Trade Policy - Multilateral 16
1166 Ahmadinejad’s Principalist Doctrine: Sovereign Rights to a Nuclear Arsenal
Farhad Rezaei January 12, 2017
Political Economy 13
844 Aid for Trade and International Investment
Hyun-Hoon Lee December 17, 2014
Foreign Investment 37
507 AIFTA and its Impact on India: A Case Study of Fisheries and Selected Agricultur
Murali Kallummal December 8, 2012
Trade Policy - Regional 44
539 Airports and the Production of Goods and Services
Nicholas Sheard January 18, 2013
Transportation 64
1446 An analysis of prime determinants and constraints of Bangladesh’s export market:
Md Tariq Hassan September 30, 2018
Trade Policy - Multilateral 8
133 An Analysis on the Determinants of Indian Machine tool Exports
Rijesh R January 9, 2010
Trade Patterns 57
633 An empirical assessment of comparative advantage dynamics
James Riedel December 13, 2013
Other 45
1000 An Empirical Assessment of Defensive Innovation to Chinese Import Competition in
Nobu Yamashita December 13, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 32
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1747 An Empirical Dynamic Model of Trade with Consumer Accumulation,
Paul Piveteau December 11, 2020
Firm Level - Trade 17
1060 An Empirical Investigation of the Effect of trade Policy
Matthew Cadbury March 29, 2016
Trade Policy - General 28
286 Analysis of business polish demography using Markov Chains
Natalia Nehrebecka February 25, 2011
Firm Level - General 50
1082 Analysis Of The Impact Of The Chinese Economy On The Main Indicators Of Russian Economy
Sokirko A. Adviser: Ilona V. Tregub May 27, 2016
Foreign Investment 31
743 Analyzing The Determinants Of Services Trade Flows Between Vietnam And European Union: Gravity Model Approach
Dao Ngoc Tien July 15, 2014
Trade Patterns 37
147 Anti-dumping Duties and its Impact on Exporters: Firm Level Evidence from China
Piyush Chandra January 31, 2010
Firm Level - Productivity 55
1124 Anti-dumping Duty Circumvention through Trade Re-routing: Evidence from Chinese Exporters
Huimin Shi August 14, 2016
Trade Patterns 27
721 Antidumping and the Death of Trade
Tibor Besedes May 7, 2014
Trade Policy - General 62
26 Antidumping Measures of EU and NAFTA Members Against East Asian Countries
William E. James February 24, 2009
Trade Policy - General 52
131 Antidumping protection hurts Exporters
Hylke Vandenbussche January 5, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 54
WP# Title Topic Downloads
118 Antidumping protection hurts exporters: firm level evidence from France
Joep Konings December 15, 2009
Firm Level - Trade 52
639 Applying gravity model to analyze trade activities of Vietnam
Dinh Thi Thanh Binh December 14, 2013
Trade Patterns 70
1695 Applying Safeguard Measures in Jordan: A Framework for Protecting the Domestic Industry
Bashar H. Malkawi June 28, 2020
Trade Policy - General 9
1417 Are All Imports Created Equal? The Link between Import Sources &Export Success
Jason Campbell July 16, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 21
185 Are Exporters Mother Nature's Best Friends
J. Scott Holladay July 15, 2010
Firm Level - General 52
1539 Are instruments generated from geographic characteristics in bilateral relations
Laura Puzzello May 27, 2019
Other 15
319 Are Multinationals Exporting Jobs? The Case of Taiwan
Y.-H. Henry Chen June 24, 2011
Firm Level - General 48
46 Are Service Firms Affected by Exchange Rate Movements?
Eugene Beaulieu March 31, 2009
Firm Level - General 37
246 Are strong copyrights a stimulus to U.S. exports?
Meiling Kang December 13, 2010
Trade Policy - General 36
1527 Are Your Labor Shares Set in Beijing? The View Through the Lens of GVCs
Ariell Reshef March 27, 2019
Trade Patterns 18
WP# Title Topic Downloads
930 Arguing Against the Effectiveness of Sanctions in Iran
Naghmeh Baity July 23, 2015
Political Economy 25
943 Arming Women With Credit: Why Lending to Women Makes Economic Sense
Victoria Monro July 31, 2015
Development 22
1780 Armington Elasticities and the Third-Country Effects of Trade Wars
Zi Wang February 27, 2022
Trade Policy - General 31
Sangeeta Khorana November 9, 2011
Firm Level - General 39
682 Assessing External and Internal Factors Influencing Foreign Direct Investment in
Hyun-Hoon Lee January 31, 2014
Foreign Investment 54
790 Assessing the impact of fta: a case study of pakistan- malaysia fta
Hamid Mahmodd November 9, 2014
Trade Patterns 31
781 Assessing the impact of fta: a case study of pakistan- malaysia fta
Hamid Mahmodd November 4, 2014
Trade Policy - Regional 26
906 Assessing The Impact Of Regulatory Reform In Developing Countries
Colin Kirkpatrick May 19, 2015
Development 21
1815 Assessing the Impact of the Trade Facilitation Agreement on Agri-Food Global Value Chain Integration
Carlos Zurita August 6, 2024
Trade Policy - Multilateral 6
961 Assessment Of Bangladesh Australia Fta Potentiality
Ismat Jarin August 22, 2015
Trade Policy - General 30
WP# Title Topic Downloads
921 Assessment of Strategic Tools Performance Designed by the Industry in Uncertainty Conditions
Mirza Hasan Hosseini and Nima Rahmani June 9, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 24
971 Assessment of Strategic Tools Performance Designed by the Industry in Uncertainty Conditions (Case Study: Iranian Industries in Terms of Sanctions)
Mirza Hosseini and Nima Rahmani November 7, 2015
Other 24
933 Assessment of Strategic Tools Performance Designed by the Industry in Uncertainty Conditions: Iranian Industries in Terms of Economic Sanctions
Mirza Hasan Hosseini and Nima Rahmani July 28, 2015
Political Economy 21
1554 Assessment Of The Effectiveness Of Economic Sanctions: The Cases Of Iran, North Korea, Myanmar, And Cuba
Yesun Yoon June 22, 2019
Other 5
1438 Assessment of the Impact of Five Existing Free Trade Agreements on Vietnam
Tai Pham July 31, 2018
Trade Policy - Regional 16
1332 Asymmetric Cultural Proximity and Greenfield FDI
Matteo Fiorini December 14, 2017
Foreign Investment 10
175 Asymmetric e¤ects of trade costs on entry modes: Firm level evidence
Ayça Tekin-Koru July 14, 2011
Foreign Investment 66
413 Asymmetries in Bilateral FDI Flows Between Country-Pairs Explained
Jinzhuo Z. Garrett December 17, 2011
Foreign Investment 40
400 Asymmetry Equalizing Symmetry in Gravity: Taxation and Trade in the OECD
Christopher Balding December 15, 2011
Trade Policy - General 40
927 Atithi Devo Bhav?
Dr. Natasha Agarwal July 21, 2015
Immigration 27
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1789 Back to Basics of the "Sales-Sourcing Box" versus the "Production Box": A Note
Noor Aini Khalifah December 21, 2022
Firm Level - Trade 6
1595 Backward and Forward integration along Global Value Chains
Davide Del Prete October 24, 2019
Firm Level - General 17
240 Backward linkages and the export performance of business services. Evidence from a sample of Italian firms
Alessia Lo Turco November 24, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 38
926 Balancing the Regulation and Taxation of Banking
Dr. Natasha Agarwal July 21, 2015
Other 14
660 Bank Competition and Export Diversification
Aadil Nakhoda December 30, 2013
Other 37
656 Bank Credit and Firm Export: Is There Really a Link?
sara formai December 17, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 56
569 Bank linkages and international trade
Galina Hale July 1, 2013
Trade Patterns 37
1599 Bank Ownership and Margins of Trade: Evidence from a Firm-Bank Matched Dataset
Pavel Chakraborty November 20, 2019
Firm Level - General 7
1583 Bank Ownership, Monetary Policy and Exports: Evidence from a Matched Firm-Bank
Pavel Chakraborty August 2, 2019
Firm Level - General 10
1549 Bank Ownership, Monetary Policy and Exports: Evidence from a Matched Firm-Bank
Pavel Chakraborty June 15, 2019
Firm Level - General 6
WP# Title Topic Downloads
573 Banking across Borders with Heterogeneous Banks
Friederike Niepmann July 3, 2013
Firm Level - Productivity 29
84 Banking Crises and Exports: Lessons from the Past
Leonardo Iacovone July 31, 2009
Trade Patterns 53
1794 Barbarians at the gate? FDI and target firms’ management quality
Beniamino Pisicoli April 26, 2023
Foreign Investment 9
922 Basic Theorizes Of Regulatory Impact Logistics In Investment And Construction
Sborshchikov Sergey Borisovich and Lazareva Natal’ya Valerevna June 9, 2015
Political Economy 25
1730 Benefits of FDI subsidies: The role of funding sources
Xiao Wang September 9, 2020
Trade Policy - Multilateral 18
851 Benefits of Foreign Ownership: Evidence from Foreign Direct Investment in China
Xiao Wang February 8, 2015
Foreign Investment 38
1184 Better, Faster, Stronger: Global Innovation and Trade Liberalization
Federica Coelli February 3, 2017
Trade Policy - General 26
1522 Betting on the Wrong Horse: lobbying on TPP and the 2016US presidential election
Michael Blanga-Gubbay March 4, 2019
Political Economy 13
1681 Beyond the Income Effect of Trade Integration on Ethnic Wars
Fabien Candau February 25, 2020
Development 18
1653 Bias and Consistency in Three-Way Gravity Models
Tom Zylkin January 20, 2020
Trade Policy - General 10
WP# Title Topic Downloads
842 Biased Gravity Estimates: Heteroskedasticity or Misspecification?
Scott French December 15, 2014
Trade Patterns 40
73 Big Hits in Manufacturing Exports and Development
ARIELL RESHEF July 28, 2009
Trade Patterns 36
1217 Bitcoin Reveals Unocial Exchange Rates and Detects Capital Controls
Gina Pieters April 12, 2017
Trade Policy - Multilateral 18
946 Border Effects Without Borders: What Divides Japan's Internal Trade?
Jens Wrona July 31, 2015
Trade Policy - Regional 25
1525 Border Regimes and Indirect Productivity Effects from Foreign Direct Investment
Bruno Merlevede March 23, 2019
Firm Level - Productivity 12
54 Borders and Distance in Knowledge Spillovers: Dying over Time or Dying with Age?
Yao Li April 14, 2009
Trade Patterns 37
1246 Breaking Badly: The Currency Union Effect on Trade
Doug Campbell June 17, 2017
Trade Policy - Multilateral 13
1572 Breaking in New Markets: Relying on Networks or Spillovers?
Volodymyr Lugovskyy July 31, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 10
1053 Bureaucrats or Politicians? Antidumping and Political Parties in the US
Tommaso Aquilante March 7, 2016
Political Economy 27
1302 Business cycle synchronization and its determinants in OECD countries: The panel
Hussain Kunroo November 29, 2017
Other 20
WP# Title Topic Downloads
713 Business Entry Regulations and Reforms
Vikram Nehau April 10, 2014
Development 34
755 Business Environment Patterns in India
Anil Kapur August 2, 2014
Foreign Investment 36
1613 Business travels, multinational firms and international trade
Francesco Bripi December 4, 2019
Transportation 5
1526 Business travels, multinational firms and international trade
Francesco Bripi March 26, 2019
Foreign Investment 12
807 Buyer-Seller Relationships in International Trade: Do Your Neighbors Matter?
Asha Sundaram November 27, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 34
622 Buyer-Seller Relationships in International Trade: Do Your Neighbors Matter?
Fariha Kamal December 6, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 42
728 Buyer-Seller Relationships in International Trade: Do Your Neighbors Matters?
Fariha Kamal July 3, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 30
1248 Can Foreign Direct Investment Increase Productivity of Domestic Firms? A new str
Sen Ma June 18, 2017
Foreign Investment 38
966 Can Japan Change?: Abenomics and its future
Masazumi Wakatabe November 3, 2015
Other 24
896 Can Japan Change?: Abenomics and Its Future
Masazumi Wakatabe April 20, 2015
Political Economy 28
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1579 Capital-Reallocation Frictions and Trade Shocks
Eugene Tan August 1, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 10
662 CAT exports in Turkish manufacturing
Alessia Lo Turco January 8, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 32
861 Catalysts and Inhibitors of the Trade Collapse
Mattia Di Ubaldo February 14, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 39
1380 Catch me if you can: Trade mis-invoicing and capital flight from Ethiopia
Adugna Lemi March 7, 2018
Trade Policy - Regional 13
1403 Catch me if you can: Trade mis-invoicing and capital flight revisited
Adugna Lemi June 7, 2018
Trade Patterns 11
1402 Catch me if you can: Trade mis-invoicing and capital flight revisited
Adugna Lemi June 7, 2018
Trade Patterns 8
1799 Caught in the Crossfire: How Trade Policy Uncertainty Impacts Global Trade PDF Logo
Anirban Sanyal July 6, 2023
Trade Policy - Multilateral 7
1532 Causal Inference on Networks under Continuous Treatment Interference: an application to trade distortions in agricultural markets
Davide Del Prete March 31, 2019
Trade Policy - General 14
1204 Characteristics of Firms Exporting Skilled Labor: The Football Case
Jeremy Streatfeild March 14, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 25
657 China's Profits and losses from currency Intervention
Kwan Choi December 17, 2013
Trade Policy - Regional 39
WP# Title Topic Downloads
559 China's profits and losses from currency intervention, 1994-2011
Hailong Jin March 31, 2013
Political Economy 36
510 China’s Process of Accession to WTO: Obstacles and Challenges
Dr. Anil Kumar Kanungo December 9, 2012
Trade Policy - Multilateral 40
619 China’s Telecommunications Service Sector and Its Implications for World Economy
Dr. Anil Kumar Kanungo December 5, 2013
Trade Policy - Multilateral 35
239 Chinese networks and tariff evasion
Lorenzo Rotunno November 23, 2010
Trade Patterns 66
1685 Cities, Productivity and Trade
Alvaro Garcia Marin March 14, 2020
Firm Level - Productivity 34
607 Clash of Civilizations and the Impact of Cultural Differences on Trade
Gunes Gokmen November 30, 2013
Political Economy 36
1741 Climate Change and the Water Capability to Export Agricultural Goods
Fabien Candau September 30, 2020
Trade Patterns 22
1079 Cointegration Models of the BRICS Economies
Ilona V. Tregub May 18, 2016
Development 26
1126 Collateral Damage: The impact of the Russia sanctions on sanctioning countries’ exports
Crozet Hinz August 27, 2016
Political Economy 26
570 Colonial Trade Spillovers
Antoine Berthou July 1, 2013
Trade Patterns 35
WP# Title Topic Downloads
804 Comparative Advantage and International Risk Sharing: Together at Last
Konstantin Kucheryavyy November 23, 2014
Trade Patterns 29
248 Comparative Advantage and Within-Industry Firms Performance
Matthieu Crozet December 14, 2010
Firm Level - General 43
806 Comparative Advantage, End Use, and the Gains from Trade
Amanda Kurzendoerfer November 24, 2014
Trade Patterns 34
310 Comparative Advantage, Firm Heterogeneity, and Selection of Exporters
Isao Kamata April 1, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 54
1130 Comparative analysis of financial sanctions against Russia and Iran
Ilya Lesnikov September 9, 2016
Political Economy 22
724 Comparing Regulations in 181 Economies
Doing Business Project June 9, 2014
Other 27
715 Comparing Regulations in 181 Economies
Doing Business April 27, 2014
Other 31
827 Competition and the welfare gains from transportation infrastructure
Jose Asturias December 13, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 27
757 Competition and the welfare gains from transportation infrastructure: Evidence from the Golden Quadrilateral of India
Manuel Garcia santana August 5, 2014
Transportation 34
1044 Competitiveness and Ease of Doing Business in Bulgaria and EU
Maria Papanikolaou February 29, 2016
Development 29
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1182 Composition of Capital and Gains from Trade in Equipment
Piyusha Mutreja February 2, 2017
Development 15
1089 COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT (CEPA) between INDIA and JAPAN An Analysis of Product Tariff Reduction and Consumer Welfare of Select Sec
Sumati Varma July 2, 2016
Trade Policy - Regional 31
137 Computing Multilateral Resistances of Trading Countries
Stephan Rudolph January 15, 2010
Trade Patterns 56
1022 Consumer Goods and Export Performance during Economic Slowdowns: The Experience
M A Taslim January 30, 2016
Trade Patterns 33
212 Contracting Institutions and Product Quality
Azim Essaji August 1, 2010
Trade Patterns 49
563 Cooperation in WTO\\\'s Tariff Waters
Peri da Silva May 23, 2013
Trade Policy - Multilateral 37
474 Core Competencies, Matching, and the Structure of Foreign Direct Investment
Federico Diez July 15, 2012
Foreign Investment 38
712 Corporate Financial Structure and Export Quality: Evidence from France April 1, 2014
Firm Level - General 55
1624 Corporate Taxation and the Location Choice of Foreign Direct Investment in EU
Iulia Siedschlag December 7, 2019
Foreign Investment 4
982 Corruption and Multinational Investment - Microfoundations and Empirical Evide¨¨
Zdenek DRABEK November 23, 2015
Foreign Investment 31
WP# Title Topic Downloads
886 Corruption and Multinational Investment: Micro-foundations and Empirical Evidenc
M. Fabricio Perez March 31, 2015
Foreign Investment 40
681 Corruption, Financial Resources and Exports
Xiangjun Ma January 31, 2014
Trade Patterns 55
271 Cost Linkages Transmit Volatility Across Markets
Georg Schaur May 29, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 49
431 Costs of exporting: evidence from Russia
Natalya Volchkova January 31, 2012
Firm Level - Trade 56
1323 Costs of Redrawing the Map: Evidence from the Treaty of Versailles
Vladimir Tyazhelnikov December 13, 2017
Other 8
1173 Costs of Redrawing the Map: Evidence from the Treaty of Versailles
Vladimir Tyazhelnikov January 31, 2017
Trade Patterns 18
860 Could tariffs be pro-cyclical?
James Lake February 14, 2015
Trade Policy - General 32
1471 Country size, per-capita income &comparative advantage:services vs manufacturing
Anuradha Saha December 6, 2018
Trade Patterns 12
1437 Country size, per-capita income &comparative advantage:services vs manufacturing
Anuradha Saha July 31, 2018
Trade Patterns 14
1782 Creation and diversion of income and jobs: The case of the Korea - U.S. Free Trade Agreement
Kirill Muradov March 12, 2022
Trade Patterns 18
WP# Title Topic Downloads
478 Credit Constraints and Export Prices: Theory and Evidence from China
Yao Amber Li February 6, 2013
Firm Level - General 51
786 Credit Constraints and Spillovers from Foreign Firms in China
Dr. Natasha Agarwal November 8, 2014
Foreign Investment 37
383 Credit constraints, inequality and the growth gains from trade
Mauro Caselli December 6, 2011
Development 46
435 Credit Constraints, Productivity, and Export Prices: Theory and Evidence from
Yao Amber Li February 6, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 52
977 Credit Distribution and Exports: Microeconomic Evidence from China
Yao Amber Li November 17, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 35
110 Cross-border Investment Linkages among APEC Economies: the Case of Foreign Direc
Hyun-Hoon Lee December 13, 2009
Foreign Investment 45
326 Cross-Border M&A with Heterogeneous Firms: Technology vs. Market Motives
Donghyun Lee July 27, 2011
Foreign Investment 44
505 Cultural Diversity a Barrier to Riches?
Gunes Gokmen November 29, 2012
Political Economy 58
1342 Cultural Preferences in International Trade: Evidence from the Globalization of
Hyojung Lee December 14, 2017
Trade Patterns 22
627 Currency Choice Motivations and Strategic Choices among Exporters
Maria Sokolova December 12, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 36
WP# Title Topic Downloads
497 davai
davai ewe October 23, 2012
Immigration 34
305 davai
davai ewe March 31, 2011
Political Economy 43
37 De 'Bonus Vetus OLS': Approximating the international trade-cost effects of ...
Alberto Behar March 30, 2009
Trade Policy - General 46
1638 Declared exchange rate and quality-driven pass-through to import prices
Evgenii Monastyrenko December 9, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 8
1398 Decomposing Firm-Product Appeal: How important is Consumer Taste?
Hylke Vandenbussche June 1, 2018
Trade Patterns 10
944 Decomposing U.S. Water Use Since 1950. Is the U.S. Experience Replicable Interna
Peter Debaere July 31, 2015
Trade Patterns 23
908 Decomposing U.S. Water Use since 1950. Is the U.S. experience replicable?
Peter Debaere May 21, 2015
Trade Patterns 20
1805 Deep Trade Agreements and Agri-Food Global Value Chain Integration
Dongin Kim November 16, 2023
Trade Policy - General 11
1612 Defying Gravity?\\ Policy Uncertainty and Trade Diversion
Mustapha Douch December 4, 2019
Trade Policy - General 5
1778 Demand Risk and Diversification through International Trade
Federico Esposito January 4, 2022
Trade Patterns 26
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1689 Demand Risk and Diversification through Trade
Federico Esposito May 2, 2020
Trade Patterns 21
1271 Demand Uncertainty and the Joint Dynamics of Exporters and Multinational Firms
Cheng Chen August 16, 2017
Foreign Investment 25
1188 Demand Volatility and Export Entry
Michael Olabisi September 13, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 25
1043 Determinants of bilateral tariff negotiation outcomes
Sophie Soete February 28, 2016
Trade Policy - Regional 27
300 Determinants of Comparative Advantage in Services
Erik van der Marel March 30, 2011
Trade Patterns 42
1644 Determinants of Current Account Balance in Emerging Markets: A Study of BRICS
Anil Kumar Kanungo December 10, 2019
Trade Policy - Regional 9
378 Determinants of Export Survival: The Case of Ghanaian Manufacturers
Abdul-Rahim Adada Mohammed December 1, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 38
377 Determinants of Export Survival: The Case of Ghanaian Manufacturers
Abdul-Rahim Adada Mohammed December 1, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 34
907 Determinants Of Exports Of U.s. Agribusiness Firms
Chun Li May 19, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 29
987 Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment from OECD to ASEAN
Andrzej Cieslik November 30, 2015
Foreign Investment 39
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1270 Determinants of Intra-Firm Trade: Evidence from a Small Open European Economy
Iulia Siedschlag August 16, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 17
536 Determinants of profitability of NBFIs’ in a developing country: Evidence from B
Mohammad Sogir Hossain Khandokeer December 20, 2012
Other 31
535 Determinants of profitability of Non Bank Financial Institutions’ in a developing country: Evidence from Bangladesh
Mohammad Sogir Hossain Khandokeer December 20, 2012
Other 30
1804 Determinants of PTA Design: Insights from Machine Learning
Stepan Gordeev October 15, 2023
Trade Policy - General 8
641 Determinants of services trade agreements: Regulatory incidence and convergence
Anirudh Shingal December 15, 2013
Trade Policy - Regional 41
264 Determinants of Vertical Integration in Export Processing: Theory and Evidence from China
Heiwai Tang January 24, 2012
Trade Patterns 54
1544 Diagonal Cumulation and Sourcing Decisions
Bombarda Pamela June 14, 2019
Trade Policy - Multilateral 10
730 Did China Tire Safeguard Save U.S. Workers?
Sunghoon Chung July 6, 2014
Trade Policy - General 34
990 Did Economic Sanctions Cause Inequality in the US-Iran Relations?
Agnese_Macaluso November 30, 2015
Other 23
1308 Differential Effects of Internal and External Distances on Trade Flows: The Case
Salamat Ali December 4, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 8
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1241 Differential Effects of Internal and External Distances on Trade Flows: The Case
Salamat Ali June 16, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 19
1262 Differential Effects of Internal and External Remoteness on Trade Flows
Salamat Ali August 11, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 14
1203 Differential Effects of Internal and External Remoteness on Trade Flows: The Cas
Salamat Ali March 14, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 17
1168 Differential Effects of Internal and External Remoteness on Trade Flows: The Cas
Salamat Ali January 19, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 15
1169 Differential Effects of Internal and External Remoteness on Trade Flows: The Cas
Salamat Ali January 22, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 14
792 Differing Trade Elasticities for Intra- and International Distances: a Gravity Approach
Jason Query November 10, 2014
Transportation 34
699 Direct Versus Indirect Export Channels: What Determines the Decision?
Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso March 28, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 41
1447 Director General
Efe wilson Omuemu October 3, 2018
Trade Policy - Regional 8
1458 Disentangling Global Value Chains
Alonso de Gortari November 6, 2018
Trade Patterns 22
1097 Disentangling the effect of trade agreements on trade
Samuel Standaert July 26, 2016
Trade Policy - General 27
WP# Title Topic Downloads
975 Disentangling the effect of trade agreements on trade
Samuel Standaert November 13, 2015
Trade Policy - General 31
1727 Disentangling the Effects of the 2018-2019 Tariffs on a Globally Connected U.S.
Justin Pierce September 8, 2020
Trade Policy - Multilateral 17
494 Dissecting the impact of innovation on exporting in Turkey
Daniela Maggioni October 22, 2012
Firm Level - Trade 43
932 Dissecting the Trade Effects of Europe's Economic Integration Agreements
Sophie Soete July 28, 2015
Trade Policy - Regional 23
1679 Dissecting Trade and Business Cycle Co-movement
Paul Ko February 14, 2020
Trade Patterns 21
368 Distance Sensitivity on Exported Products of the Swedish Manufacturing Sector
Viroj Jienwatcharamongkhol November 17, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 41
956 Distributional Effect of International Trade and Comparative Advantage in Labor
Rodrigo Adao August 1, 2015
Other 54
362 Do Customs Trade Facilitation Programmes Help Reduce Customs-Related Corruption?
Dr. Bryane Michael November 8, 2011
Political Economy 42
1372 Do Empirical Trade Findings Require a New Theory of Economic Growth?
Matthew Cadbury February 2, 2018
Trade Policy - General 20
1605 Do Environmental Regulations Affect the Decision to Export?
Jevan Cherniwchan December 2, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 11
WP# Title Topic Downloads
314 Do Exchange rates affect Exports in India?
Ranajoy Bhattacharyya May 16, 2011
Other 57
93 Do Food Scares Explain Supplier Concentration? An Analysis of EU Agri-food Imports
Melise Jaud August 28, 2009
Trade Patterns 35
79 Do Food Scares Explain Supplier Concentration?An Analysis of EU Agri-food Impor
Mélise JAUD July 31, 2009
Trade Patterns 32
968 Do free trade agreements afect tarifs of non-member countries?
Andrey Stoyanov November 5, 2015
Trade Policy - Regional 33
793 Do Government Procurement Agreements Work?
Jared Fronk November 11, 2014
Political Economy 30
301 Do imports of intermediates promote exports?
Daniela Maggioni June 2, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 63
1662 Do Larger Importing Firms Face Lower Freight Rates?
Volodymyr Lugovskyy February 5, 2020
Transportation 15
1283 Do legal remedies matter? New evidence from a natural experiment in the investme
Cree Jones August 18, 2017
Foreign Investment 17
1354 Do legal remedies promote investment? New evidence from a natural experiment in
Cree Jones December 15, 2017
Foreign Investment 18
219 Do managers and experts agree? A comparison of alternative sources of trade facilitation data
Alberto Behar August 29, 2010
Transportation 46
WP# Title Topic Downloads
753 Do multinational retailers affect the export competitiveness
Angela Cheptea July 15, 2014
Trade Patterns 42
1454 Do Multinationals Transfer Culture? Evidence on Female Employment in China
Yifan Zhang October 25, 2018
Foreign Investment 18
331 Do Spanish firms learn more from national or international networks?
Juliette Milgram July 29, 2011
Firm Level - Productivity 45
1489 Do Strong Export Relationships Imply Economic Dependency
Ross Hallren December 10, 2018
Trade Policy - General 10
407 Do Taxes Influence the Organizational Boundaries of International Firms?
Xiangjun Ma December 16, 2011
Firm Level - General 34
391 Do terms-of-trade effects matter for trade agreements?
Anna Maria Mayda December 13, 2011
Trade Policy - Multilateral 44
146 Do the Biggest Aisles Serve a Brighter Future? Global Retail Chains and Their Im
Beata Javorcik January 31, 2010
Foreign Investment 48
1247 Do the Rich (Really) Consume Higher Quality Goods?
Vincenzo Merella June 17, 2017
Trade Patterns 28
596 Does Anti-dumping Enforcement Generate Threat?
Sagnik Bagchi September 16, 2013
Trade Policy - Multilateral 62
1316 Does bank competition promote financial inclusion? A cross-country evidence
Tra Pham December 11, 2017
Development 12
WP# Title Topic Downloads
720 Does Comparative Advantage Induce Autonomous Liberalization? The Case of Services
Erik van der Marel (PhD studen April 30, 2014
Trade Policy - General 44
330 Does complexity explain the structure of commodity trade?
Asier Minondo July 29, 2011
Trade Patterns 48
135 Does Exporting Promote New Product Introduction?: An Empirical Analysis of Plant
Hahn, Chin Hee January 11, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 70
629 Does exporting spur firm productivity? Evidence from Vietnam
Thi Thu Tra Pham March 9, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 48
599 Does Importing Intermediates Increase the Demand for Skilled Workers?
Hiroyuki Kasahara November 10, 2013
Firm Level - General 38
1159 Does Inequality Drive the Dutch Disease? Theory and Evidence
Richard Chisik November 30, 2016
Trade Patterns 24
8 Does international openness affect productivity of local firms? Evidence from Southeastern Europe
Joze P. Damijan, Jose DeSousa, Olivier Lamotte December 19, 2008
Trade Policy - Regional 43
1490 Does international trade cause detrimental specialization in developing economie
Michiel Gerritse December 10, 2018
Development 34
533 Does Intra-Africa Regional Trade Cooperation Enhance Export Survival?
Dick Nuwamanya Kamuganga December 17, 2012
Trade Patterns 40
412 Does Licensing Induce Technological Spillovers to Domestic Firms?
Luis Castro March 1, 2012
Trade Policy - General 45
WP# Title Topic Downloads
290 Does Occupational Training by TAA Really Help Reemployment? Success Measured as Matching
Jooyoun Park October 14, 2011
Trade Policy - General 41
477 Does Offshoring Lift All Boats? The Role of Induced Technology Adoption & Innova
Manisha Goel July 15, 2012
Trade Policy - General 47
187 Does Tariff Liberalization Kick the Good Apples Out? Theory and Evidence
Alan Spearot July 22, 2010
Trade Policy - Multilateral 55
707 Does the Distance Matter? The effect of Change in Trade Costs on FDI Locations
Chinchih Chen July 15, 2014
Foreign Investment 55
403 Does trade creation by social and business networks hold in services?
Tamara de la Mata December 16, 2011
Trade Patterns 54
511 Does Trade Integration Contribute to Peace?
Ju Hyun Pyun December 9, 2012
Political Economy 36
1444 Does Trade Liberalization Promote Opportunity? Evidence from China
Dan Liu September 28, 2018
Trade Policy - General 21
1303 Does trade matter for growth when the geographical instruments are randomized?
Laura Puzzello December 3, 2017
Other 10
1388 Does Trade Promote State Capacity in Ghana? A Synthetic Control
Jeremy Streatfeild March 19, 2018
Political Economy 13
1123 Does US EXIM Bank really promote US exports?
Dr. Natasha Agarwal August 3, 2016
Trade Policy - General 22
WP# Title Topic Downloads
514 Doha Development Agenda for Developed Nation: Carve Outs in Recent Agriculture N
Sachin Kumar Sharma December 11, 2012
Trade Policy - Multilateral 31
587 Doha Negotiations & India’s Trade in Environmental Goods: NAMA Sectoral Impact
Dr. Murali Kallummal February 19, 2014
Trade Policy - Multilateral 52
890 Doing Business 2010 report
Anil Kapur April 20, 2015
Other 21
892 Doing Business 2013 full report
Anil Kapur April 20, 2015
Other 20
891 Doing Business 2013 report
Anil Kapur April 20, 2015
Other 22
714 Doing Business in Egypt 2014
Doing Business April 27, 2014
Other 29
893 Doing Business in Egypt 2014 report
Anil Kapur April 20, 2015
Other 24
716 Doing Business matter for FDI
Doing Business April 27, 2014
Other 35
105 Domestic Repercussions of Different Types of FDI: Firm-level Evidence for Taiwan
Wan-Hsin LIU December 10, 2009
Foreign Investment 54
1434 Domestic Spillovers and Foreign Networks in Exporting
Volodymyr Lugovskyy July 31, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 16
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1433 Domestic Spillovers and Foreign Networks in Exporting
Volodymyr Lugovskyy July 31, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 6
7 Domestic Value Added and Employment Generated by Chinese Exports
K.C. Fung December 8, 2008
Trade Policy - General 58
912 Downside Risk, Portfolio Diversification and the Financial Crisis for the Eurozone
Jeff Mim May 22, 2015
Foreign Investment 25
1003 Dynamics of innovation and internationalization among Vietnamese SMEs
Trinh Quang Long December 13, 2015
Firm Level - General 27
1795 E Commerce: Issues & Challenges
Dr. Anil Kumar Kanungo May 8, 2023
Trade Policy - Multilateral 4
1238 Earnings Inequality and the Global Division of Labor
Jan Simon Schymik June 16, 2017
Firm Level - General 14
1676 Earnings Inequality in Production Networks
Kevin Lim February 14, 2020
Firm Level - Trade 25
833 Ease of Doing Business and FDI in the Ex-Socialist Countries
Branimir Jovanovic December 15, 2014
Foreign Investment 36
888 Econometrics G. Mange’s Model For The Brics Countries
Ilona V. Tregub April 2, 2015
Development 30
1648 Economic Boycotts and WTO Law
Bashar H. Malkawi December 14, 2019
Trade Policy - General 10
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1273 Economic Development and the Margins of Trade
Michael Olabisi August 17, 2017
Trade Patterns 19
1457 Economic Development and the Margins of Trade: Are the Least Developed Countries
Jesse Mora November 5, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 14
43 Economic geography and economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa
Maarten Bosker March 31, 2009
Development 49
1698 Economic Governance for Entrepreneurs in the Arab Region
Mounir Mahmalat and Denise Sumpf July 21, 2020
Development 6
905 Economic governance: Improving the economicand regulatory environment for supporting private sector activity
Colin Kirkpatrick May 19, 2015
Development 25
1421 Economic Growth and the Evolution of Comparative Advantage
Will Johnson July 24, 2018
Development 16
47 Economic Integration and the Markups of European Electricity Firms
Ziga Zarnic April 1, 2009
Firm Level - General 40
36 Economic Integration and the Markups of European Electricity Firms
Ziga Zarnic March 29, 2009
Firm Level - General 39
899 Economic Policies And Growth Strategies After The Crisis
Pasquale Tridico May 11, 2015
Political Economy 26
415 Economic policies and informal sector performance in Cameroon: a CGE analysis
Didier Alia December 19, 2011
Development 38
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1078 Economic Sanctions as a Component of International Political Pressure
Raul Markus April 9, 2016
Political Economy 33
1131 Economic Sanctions As The Means Of International Pressure
Raul Markus September 9, 2016
Political Economy 24
285 Economics of Cross-border Travel
Keith Head December 12, 2011
Other 64
1081 Effect Of Crisis 2014-2015 On Commercial Banks
Korotkiy R. Adviser: Ilona V. Tregub May 27, 2016
Firm Level - General 25
551 Effect of exchange rate changes on important economic indicators on the example of Romania
E. Tertyshnaya, Ilona V. Tregub February 14, 2013
Other 47
Efe w. Omuemu December 31, 2013
Trade Policy - General 34
170 Effect of restructuring on employment in multinational hq and their affiliates
Joep Konings March 31, 2010
Firm Level - General 38
446 Effectiveness of Foreign Aid in Small Island Developing States
El-hadj Bah March 26, 2012
Development 35
1467 Effects of Aid for Trade on Extensive and Intensive margin of Greenfield FDI
Dung Ly December 5, 2018
Development 10
1744 Effects of Chinese Import Competition on Plant Productivity and Product Scope: Evidence from India
Shubhasish Barua December 2, 2020
Firm Level - Productivity 32
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1487 Effects of Inward and Outward Greenfield FDI on the Employment of Domestic Firms
Danbee Park December 10, 2018
Foreign Investment 13
653 Effects of Presidents' Characteristics on Internationalization of Small and Medi
Yasuyuki Todo December 15, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 35
558 Effects of Productivity and Import on Firm-Level Export
Viroj Jienwatcharamongkhol March 31, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 47
1191 Effects of Reserve Assets on Exchange rate of the Russian Ruble
Ilona V. Tregub February 7, 2017
Development 16
1580 Emerging Markets and the New Geography of Trade: The Effects of Rising Trade Bar
Eva Van Leemput August 1, 2019
Trade Patterns 10
1341 Empirical Investigations in Trade and Investment of Myanmar
Khin Thida Nyein December 14, 2017
Trade Patterns 10
1340 Empirical Investigations in Trade and Investment of Myanmar
Khin Thida Nyein December 14, 2017
Trade Patterns 8
1733 Empirical Productivity Distributions and International Trade
Sergey Nigai September 10, 2020
Firm Level - Trade 32
1150 Empirical Test of the Single- and Multiple-Cone Heckscher–Ohlin Model
Kensuke Suzuki November 28, 2016
Trade Patterns 16
1077 Employee Ownership As A Form Of Economic Democracy
David ERDAL April 9, 2016
Political Economy 28
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1639 Employment Consequences of U.S. Trade Wars
Sanjana Goswami December 9, 2019
Trade Policy - General 16
1064 Employment Protection Legislation and International Trade
Jayjit Roy March 31, 2016
Trade Patterns 27
1144 Endogenous Hub Formations in International Trade
Nicholas Lazarou November 13, 2016
Transportation 33
1455 Endogenous Transportation Costs
Jose Asturias October 26, 2018
Transportation 12
1445 Endogenous Transportation Costs
Jose Asturias September 29, 2018
Transportation 13
1509 Endogenous Vertical Differentiation, Variety, and the Unequal Gains from Trade
Gunnar Heins January 24, 2019
Trade Patterns 11
1404 Energy costs and competitiveness in Europe
Alessandro Mistretta June 12, 2018
Trade Policy - Regional 12
1062 Energy efficiency gains from trade in intermediate inputs: Firm-level evidence
Michele Imbruno March 31, 2016
Development 38
Bashir Adelowo Wahab December 7, 2019
Trade Policy - General 3
578 Enhancing Trade in Textile and Clothing in South Asia: The Role Trade Facilitation Can Play
Mohamamd Masudur Rahman July 6, 2013
Trade Policy - Regional 41
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1285 Entrepots and Economic Geography: Evidence from US Railroads
Heyu Xiong August 19, 2017
Transportation 25
913 Entrepreneurial Policies: Portugal in the context of the European Union
Luís Guilherme Ranito Cabral dos Santos May 22, 2015
Political Economy 21
1181 Entrepreneurial Risk and Diversification through Trade
Federico Esposito February 2, 2017
Trade Patterns 15
1180 Entrepreneurial Risk and Diversification through Trade
Federico Esposito February 2, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 19
390 Environmental policy and trade performance: Evidence from China
sandra poncet December 13, 2011
Political Economy 43
1406 Environmental Regulation and Intra-Industry Trade: An Empirical Analysis
Deepti June 13, 2018
Trade Patterns 15
1405 Environmental Regulation and Intra-Industry Trade: An Empirical Analysis
Deepti June 13, 2018
Trade Patterns 11
1574 Escaping the Losses from Trade: The Impact of Heterogeneity on Skill Acquisition
Ricardo Reyes-Heroles August 1, 2019
Other 8
1070 Estimating the Development Paths of the Two-Cone HO Model
Kensuke Suzuki April 4, 2016
Trade Patterns 22
1452 Estimating the Gains from Trade in Frictional Local Labor Markets
German Pupato October 18, 2018
Firm Level - General 9
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1690 Estimating the welfare costs of autarky: a sufficient statistics approach
Federico Esposito May 2, 2020
Trade Policy - General 18
71 Estimating Trade and Investment Flows: Partners and Volumes
Alessandro Barattieri July 25, 2009
Foreign Investment 34
Branimir Jovanovic March 21, 2012
Trade Patterns 40
1328 Estimating Unequal Gains Across U.S. Consumers using Supplier Trade Data
Ryan Monarch December 13, 2017
Trade Patterns 10
1426 Estimating Unequal Gains across U.S. Consumers with Supplier Trade Data
Ryan Monarch July 27, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 9
1672 Estimation of Export Thresholds Distributions in French Sectors
Mattia Guerini February 14, 2020
Firm Level - Productivity 10
45 EU Enlargement, Economic Interdependence and the Labor Markets
Aleksandra Parteka July 31, 2024
Political Economy 37
852 EU-India FTA: Possibel Imapct on Bangladesh Export
Ismat Jarin February 10, 2015
Trade Policy - Multilateral 28
1736 European Integration and the Trade-off between Offshoring and Immigration
Enxhi Tresa September 14, 2020
Immigration 10
1651 European integration, trade, and globalization: Eastern Europes response to Chinese competition
Karsten Mau February 27, 2020
Trade Patterns 20
WP# Title Topic Downloads
451 Evaluating the Robustness of Trade Restrictiveness Indices
Stephen Tokarick March 30, 2012
Trade Policy - General 45
727 Evaluation of Financial Investment Effectiveness
Tregub Ilona V., Samedova A. June 24, 2014
Foreign Investment 37
648 Evaluation of Free Trade Agreements's: A case study of Pakistan- Malaysia FTA
Hamid Mahmodd December 15, 2013
Trade Patterns 42
434 Evolution of Trade Costs
Ozlem Yaylaci January 31, 2012
Trade Policy - General 49
1507 Ex- Post Assessment of the Impact of Free Trade Agreements on Viet Nam
Tai Pham January 24, 2019
Trade Policy - Multilateral 12
237 Exaggerated Death of Distance
Kazu Takechi November 21, 2010
Transportation 51
632 Examining Determinants of Foreign Wage Premiums in China
Theresa Greaney July 14, 2014
Foreign Investment 34
261 Exchange Rate Movements and Firm Dynamics in Canadian Retail Industries
Eugene Beaulieu December 20, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 48
760 Exchange Rate Policy and Trade Margins: Firms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Inma Martínez-Zarzoso September 15, 2014
Trade Policy - General 35
1366 Exchange rate risk and the skill composition of labor
Mark sanctuary February 1, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 13
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1514 Exchange Rate Shocks and Quality Adjustments
Daniel Goetz January 25, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 14
457 Exchange Rate Volatility And Macroeconomic Performance In Small Island Developing States
Virendra Polodoo June 2, 2012
Trade Policy - Multilateral 41
761 Exchange Rate Volatility, Euro Effect and the two Margins of Trade: Evidence from Monthly Trade Data
Inma Martínez-Zarzoso September 15, 2014
Trade Policy - General 36
1152 Exchange Rate Volatility, Value-added Trade, and Intra-regional trade in East As
Yizhe Daniel Xie November 29, 2016
Trade Policy - Regional 26
1655 Exchange Rates and Consumer Prices: Evidence from Brexit
Elsa Leromain January 22, 2020
Trade Policy - Regional 4
24 Exchange Rates and Wages in an Integrated World
Antonio Spilimbergo January 30, 2009
Immigration 44
858 Expected Exchange Rate Movement and Forward-Looking Importers
Yao Amber Li February 14, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 31
1357 Experimentation Speed Across Products: Evidence from Peru in the USA Market
Manuel Tong January 9, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 12
1314 Experimentation Speed Across Products: Evidence from Peru in the USA Market
Manuel Tong December 5, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 12
1362 Explaining autonomy variations across value chain activities in foreign-owned s
Suthikorn Kingkaew January 30, 2018
Foreign Investment 12
WP# Title Topic Downloads
192 Explaining Export Varieties: the Role of Comparative Advantage
Isao Kamata July 28, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 46
402 Explaining the Performance of Italian Exports during the Crisis
Piero Esposito December 16, 2011
Trade Patterns 47
950 Export Behavior and Labor Characteristics
Sarah Guillou August 1, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 29
588 Export costs of visa restrictions
Natalya Volchkova July 14, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 47
456 Export decisions of services firms between agglomeration effects and market-entry costs
Henk LM Kox May 29, 2012
Firm Level - Trade 45
1310 Export Destination, Skill Utilization and Skill Premium in Chinese Manufacturing
Bilal Muhammad Khan December 4, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 13
1157 Export Destinations and Skill Premium: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Indus
Feicheng Wang November 30, 2016
Trade Patterns 24
1041 Export destinations, employment and wages: firm-level evidence from Chile
Andrea Pellandra February 27, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 41
1392 Export diversification, CO2 emissions and Environmental Kuznets Curve: panel dat
Liu Hongbo April 8, 2018
Trade Policy - General 30
1609 Export Expansion and Local Labor Market Outcomes in China
Leilei Shen December 3, 2019
Development 5
WP# Title Topic Downloads
752 Export Failure and Its Consequences: Evidence from Colombian Exporters
Jesse Mora December 6, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 37
349 Export Growth and Credit Constraints
Tibor Besedes February 27, 2012
Firm Level - Trade 50
1779 Export Growth Drivers and Economic Development
Michael Olabisi February 1, 2022
Development 22
532 Export Intensity and Input Trade Costs: Evidence from Chinese Firms
Miaojie Yu December 16, 2012
Firm Level - Trade 51
108 Export Intensity and Productivity
Paolo Epifani December 13, 2009
Firm Level - Trade 60
1286 Export Intermediaries and Adjustments to Exchange Rate Movements
Marco Grazzi August 21, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 25
1242 Export Intermediaries and Adjustments to Exchange Rate Movements
Marco Grazzi June 16, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 21
235 Export performance of China’s domestic firms: the role of foreign export spillov
sandra poncet November 17, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 52
777 Export Performance, Comparative Advantage and Factors Determining Comparative Ad
Piya Wongpit November 2, 2014
Trade Patterns 34
592 Export Premium Reversal: Cross-country Evidence
Yuriy Bots July 15, 2013
Firm Level - Productivity 53
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1120 Export Prices and Demand Uncertainty
Yizhi Wang August 1, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 35
691 Export Quality and the Dynamics of North-Soth Competition
Jorge Chami Batista March 17, 2014
Trade Patterns 46
692 Export Quality and the Dynamics of North-South Competition
Jorge Chami Batista March 17, 2014
Trade Patterns 113
811 Export Quality in Advanced and Developing Economies: Evidence from a New Dataset
Chris Papageorgiou November 29, 2014
Trade Patterns 50
1061 Export Quality Upgrading Under Credit Constraints
Andrea Ciani March 29, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 40
1088 Export Spillovers from Global Shocks to the Middle East and Central Asia
Alberto Behar June 14, 2016
Trade Patterns 29
12 Export Subsidies in a Heterogeneous Firms Framework
Natalia Trofimenko January 7, 2009
Firm Level - Trade 43
468 Export Superstars: Why Size Matters
Caroline Freund July 13, 2012
Firm Level - Trade 51
1376 Export Survival and Foreign Financing
Martin Tobal February 27, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 17
564 Export Tightening, Competition and Firm Innovation: Evidence from the RMB Appreciation
Mi Dai May 26, 2013
Firm Level - General 39
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1387 Export to Elude
Larry D. Qiu March 19, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 27
967 Exporter Heterogeneity and Price Discrimination: A Quantitative View
Ariel Weinberger November 5, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 30
849 Exporters and export diversification: evidence from Mali
Ana Cristina Molina January 27, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 43
393 Exporters and importers of services: firm-level evidence on Italy
Stefano Federico, Enrico Tosti January 26, 2012
Firm Level - Trade 49
145 Exporters behaviors: Evidence from the automobile industry in China
Tuan Anh Luong January 31, 2010
Firm Level - Productivity 50
166 Exporters in Services: new Evidence from Italian Firms
Alessia Lo Turco March 26, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 49
919 Exporting and Firm Performance: Evidence from a Randomized Trial
Adam Osman June 1, 2015
Firm Level - General 29
1365 Exporting and Frictions in Input Markets: Evidence from Chinese Data
Maria Tito January 31, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 25
460 Exporting under financial constraints: \\ margins, switching dynamics and pric
Federico Tamagni February 5, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 41
1629 Exports and inward value chains: evidence from Indonesia
Harry Wardana December 8, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 10
WP# Title Topic Downloads
64 Exports and Logistics
Alberto Behar May 6, 2011
Trade Patterns 46
279 Exports from WAEMU under Raw Materials Curse
FE Doukoure Charles February 8, 2011
Trade Patterns 41
278 Exports from WAEMU under Raw Materials Curse
FE Doukoure Charles January 31, 2011
Trade Patterns 35
1472 Exports Similarity and IntraTrade Expansion: The Case of the West African Econom
FE Doukoure Charles December 6, 2018
Trade Policy - Regional 11
1095 Exports, Foreign Ownership and Firm-level Efficiency in Ethiopia and Kenya
Adugna Lemi July 25, 2016
Firm Level - Productivity 23
1219 External Adjustment in Oil Exporters: The Role of Fiscal Policy and the Exchange Rate
Alberto Behar May 17, 2017
Trade Patterns 17
1086 External Adjustment in Oil Exporters: The Role of Fiscal Policy and the Exchange Rate
Alberto Behar June 14, 2016
Trade Policy - General 19
889 External Finance and Firms’ Sales: Evidence from China
Yanling Wang April 13, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 50
519 Factor Content of India’s Foreign Trade with Developed and Developing Regions
Trade Patterns 48
423 Factor Intensity, Product Switching, and Productivity
Heiwai Tang January 24, 2012
Firm Level - General 39
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1632 Factors Affecting Two Types of Government Bond Global Investors in Emerging Mark
Maulana Harris Muhajir December 8, 2019
Foreign Investment 5
1631 Factors Affecting Two Types of Government Bond Global Investors in Emerging Market
Maulana Harris Muhajir December 8, 2019
Foreign Investment 4
312 Factory Europe? Brainier but not brawnier
Alberto Behar May 6, 2011
Trade Patterns 45
1149 False Friends? Empirical Evidence on Trade Policy Substitution in Regional Trade
Magdalene Silberberger November 30, 2016
Trade Policy - Regional 21
1156 FDI and Competition Policy
Murat Ayber November 30, 2016
Foreign Investment 25
524 FDI and Firm COmpetitiveness: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Sector
Sanghita Mondal December 15, 2012
Firm Level - Productivity 45
360 FDI and Investment Under Uncertainty in the Nigerian Economy
Oluseye Samuel Ajuwon November 8, 2011
Foreign Investment 53
249 FDI from the South, institutional distance and natural resources
Olena Havrylchyk December 15, 2010
Foreign Investment 47
389 FDI from the South: The role of institutional distance and natural resources.
Olena Havrylchyk December 13, 2011
Foreign Investment 44
358 FDI Inflows in Sub-Saharan Africa: Does Exchange Rate Volatility Matter?
Eric K. Ogunleye November 7, 2011
Foreign Investment 48
WP# Title Topic Downloads
491 FDI Inflows into South Asia: A Case Study of India’s Investments in Bangladesh
Dr. Anil Kumar Kanungo October 17, 2012
Foreign Investment 44
1344 FDI on the Move: the Facilitation of Greenfield FDI and Cross-border M&A
Jackie M.L. Chan December 15, 2017
Foreign Investment 13
873 FDI Spillovers and Multinational Firm Heterogeneity
Bruno Merlevede March 9, 2015
Foreign Investment 53
222 FDI Spillovers and the Timing of Foreign Entry
Mariana Spatareanu September 18, 2010
Foreign Investment 53
MAITRI GHOSH June 26, 2012
Firm Level - General 45
Saikat Sinha Roy December 15, 2013
Foreign Investment 37
328 Finance, Comparative Advantage, and Resource Allocation
Martin Strieborny July 28, 2011
Trade Patterns 42
276 Finance, Comparative Advantage, and Resource Allocation
Melise Jaud January 30, 2011
Trade Policy - Multilateral 47
1112 Financial Constraints, Firms’ Supply Chains and Internationalization
Raoul Minetti July 31, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 27
1499 Financial Crisis, Monetary Policy and Exports: Evidence from a Matched Firm-Bank
Pavel Chakraborty December 14, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 7
WP# Title Topic Downloads
459 Financial Development and Sustainable Exports: Evidence from Firm-Product Data
Martin Strieborny July 7, 2012
Trade Patterns 33
958 Financial Development, Endogenous Dependence on External Financing, and Trade
ByeongHwa Choi August 1, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 51
1374 Financial Frictions and Export Dynamics in Large Devaluations
Michal Szkup February 2, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 21
1439 Financial Liberalization and Trade Imbalances:A Quantitative Assessment
Zi Wang July 31, 2018
Development 25
340 Financial Reliability and Firms' Export Activity
Emanuele Forlani August 1, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 46
306 Financial Structure, Productivity and Risk of FDI: Theory and Evidence
LEI HOU March 31, 2011
Foreign Investment 47
1524 Financing Multinationals
Jingting Fan March 19, 2019
Foreign Investment 10
901 Finding The Integral Country Atractiveness Index In Aspect Of Branding
Pokras O. and Sakalosh T.V., May 19, 2015
Other 18
621 Firm efficiency and Input market integration: Trade versus FDI
Michele Imbruno December 5, 2013
Firm Level - General 43
404 Firm Export Heterogeneity and International Productivity Gap: Evidence from Fran
Lionel Nesta December 16, 2011
Firm Level - Productivity 45
WP# Title Topic Downloads
992 Firm Heterogeneity and Location Choice of European Multinationals
Maite Alguacil December 3, 2015
Foreign Investment 35
1635 Firm heterogeneity, misallocation, and trade
John Chung December 9, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 10
56 Firm Heterogeneity: do destinations of exports and origins of imports matter?
Chiara Tomasi April 14, 2009
Firm Level - Trade 51
483 Firm Productivity and Sales Destination: Evidence from Within China
Yanling Wang July 25, 2012
Firm Level - Productivity 62
291 Firm Size and the Choice of Export Mode
Jennifer Abel-Koch March 14, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 60
1704 Firm Size Distribution And Economic Growth In The European Union
Roman Hranko August 14, 2020
Development 9
148 Firm size, financial constraints and intensive export margin
Joze P. Damijan January 31, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 77
1528 Firm Specific Trade Policy: Evidence on Effectiveness and Mechanisms
Magnus Tolum Buus March 29, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 8
421 Firm-level comparative advantage
Federico Trionfetti January 23, 2012
Firm Level - General 64
1269 Firm-Level Distortions and Aggregate Productivity: the Trade Channel
Lucas Costa-Scottini August 16, 2017
Firm Level - Productivity 16
WP# Title Topic Downloads
565 Firm-specific Exchange Rate Exposure and Employment Adjustment: Evidence from China
Mi Dai May 26, 2013
Firm Level - General 41
1776 Firms amid Conflict: Performance, Production Inputs, and Market Competition
Davide Del Prete December 30, 2021
Development 8
1456 Firms and Labor in Times of Violence: Evidence from the Mexican Drug War
Hale Utar October 28, 2018
Firm Level - General 6
100 Firms and the Crisis: French Exports in the Turmoil
Daria Taglioni November 23, 2009
Firm Level - Trade 53
103 firms in the great global recession: the role of foreign ownership and intra-gro
Daria Taglioni December 8, 2009
Firm Level - General 53
1337 Firms' Exports, Volatility and Skills: Micro-evidence from France
Gianluca Orefice December 14, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 16
1537 Firms' imports and quality upgrading: evidence from China
Min Zhu May 19, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 23
1098 Firms’ Export Dynamics and Strategy: Births, Successes and Deaths
Yanling Wang July 26, 2016
Trade Patterns 32
19 Firms’ export-supply response: learning from the Indonesian experience during th
Dionisius A. Narjoko January 16, 2009
Firm Level - Trade 42
829 Firm’s investment and exit decisions under uncertainty: the case of Vietnam
Trinh Quang Long December 14, 2014
Firm Level - General 27
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1571 Fiscal Multipliers in Integrated Local Labor Markets
Jordan Norris July 31, 2019
Other 9
1550 Fiscal Multipliers in Integrated Local Labor Markets
Jordan Norris June 15, 2019
Other 4
521 Fixed Costs,Network Effects,and the International Diffusion of Containerization
Gisela Rua December 14, 2012
Transportation 38
1381 Flexibility and Productivity Heterogeneity of Multiproduct Exporters
Luca Macedoni March 16, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 23
1482 Flexibility in the productivity distribution and international trade.
Ruben Dewitte December 9, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 8
1205 For whom the bureaucrat tolls
Jeremy Streatfeild March 14, 2017
Political Economy 24
484 Foreign Acquisition, Domestic Acquisition and Plant Survival
Yanling Wang July 25, 2012
Foreign Investment 50
387 Foreign acquisitions, ownership changes, and exports
Larry D Qiu December 11, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 45
1375 Foreign Competition and the Durability of US Firm Investments
Jan Simon Schymik February 27, 2018
Firm Level - Productivity 13
803 foreign Direct Investment Leading Indicators: Case Studies of Thailand and Vietn
chanin mephokee November 19, 2014
Foreign Investment 38
WP# Title Topic Downloads
652 Foreign Firms, Distribution of Income, and the Welfare of Developing Countries
Manuel Garcia santana December 15, 2013
Foreign Investment 39
142 Foreign Ownership and Employment Growth in Indonesian Manufacturing
Jing Sun January 29, 2010
Foreign Investment 53
124 Foreign Presence and Export Response: Evidence from the Indonesian Manufacturing
Dionisius Narjoko December 17, 2009
Firm Level - Trade 51
1784 Foreign supply shocks and the structure of trade in a small open economy
Karsten Mau July 22, 2022
Trade Patterns 27
871 Forward-Looking Exporters and Exchange Rate Pass-Through
Yao Amber Li March 5, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 28
788 Forward-Looking Importers Under Expected Exchange Rate Fluctuations
Chen Zhao November 9, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 27
744 Free Trade Agreements and Firm-Product Markups in Chilean Manufacturing
Andrea Lamorgese July 15, 2014
Firm Level - Productivity 33
775 Free Trade Agreements and Trade Disputes
Larry D Qiu October 27, 2014
Trade Policy - Regional 34
769 Free Trade Agreements and Trade Disputes
Tan Li October 21, 2014
Trade Policy - General 30
1163 Friendly Fire: The Trade Impact of the Russia Sanctions and Counter-Sanctions
Julian Hinz and matthieu Crozet January 3, 2017
Political Economy 25
WP# Title Topic Downloads
951 Fringe Benefits and Import Competition
Tommaso Tempesti August 1, 2015
Trade Patterns 27
1253 From Honeymoon to Divorce: Institution Quality and Foreign Investors’ Ownership Consolidation
Yanling Wang July 14, 2017
Foreign Investment 25
1141 From Ideas to Trade
Carolina Pan November 2, 2016
Trade Policy - General 27
924 From Institutions to Financial Development and Growth
Andres Fernandez June 13, 2015
Foreign Investment 41
918 Fundamental Exchange Rate Forecasting Models
Andrius Balciunas May 29, 2015
Foreign Investment 31
1517 Gender Inequality in U.S. Manufacturing : Evidence from the Import Competition
Chan Yu February 9, 2019
Trade Policy - General 12
1772 General Equilibrium Effects in Space: Theory and Measurement
Federico Esposito September 27, 2021
Trade Patterns 18
1701 Genesis of the Malaise and Abenomics
Perna Gandhi August 4, 2020
Foreign Investment 6
649 Geographic variation in global diffusion of private food standards: The case of
Amjad Masood December 15, 2013
Trade Patterns 37
543 Geographical interregional trade frictions: an approach based on municipal data
Jorge Diaz Lanchas January 31, 2013
Trade Policy - Regional 46
WP# Title Topic Downloads
253 Geography and Comparative Advantage in Quality
Volodymyr Lugovskyy January 19, 2011
Trade Patterns 56
523 Geography of Export Prices and Importer-Exporter Income Differences.
Volodymyr Lugovskyy December 14, 2012
Trade Patterns 43
978 Geography, Ties, and Knowledge Flows: Evidence from Citations in Mathematics
Yao Amber Li November 17, 2015
Trade Patterns 26
1393 Geography, Ties, and Knowledge Flows: Evidence from Citations in Mathematics
Yao Amber Li April 16, 2018
Other 15
1014 Geography, Value-Added and Gains from Trade
Patrick Alexander December 15, 2015
Trade Patterns 54
867 Geography, Value-Added and Gains From Trade: Theory and Empirics
Patrick D. Alexander February 16, 2015
Trade Patterns 39
903 Global Corruption, Good Governance and UNCAC
Uncac May 19, 2015
Development 22
1519 Global giants and local stars: Multinational brand amalgamation
Vanessa Alviarez February 20, 2019
Foreign Investment 12
1559 Global Influences on Gender Inequality: Evidence from Female Employment in Korea
Theresa Greaney July 8, 2019
Foreign Investment 9
1287 Global Ownership and Corporate Control Networks
Armando Rungi August 30, 2017
Foreign Investment 20
WP# Title Topic Downloads
80 Global Retail Chains and Their Implications for Romania
Yue Li July 31, 2009
Foreign Investment 34
70 Global Sourcing under Imperfect Capital Markets
Thibault Fally July 23, 2009
Firm Level - Trade 51
1012 Global Supply Chains and Trade Policy
Emily Blanchard December 15, 2015
Trade Policy - General 46
1265 Global Supply Chains without Principals
Mengxiao Liu August 13, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 20
1716 Global Trade and Margins of Productivity in Agriculture
Farid Farrokhi September 1, 2020
Other 11
1235 Global Value Chains Participation and Productivity Gains for North African Firms
Enrico Marvasi June 15, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 21
1443 Global Value Chains, Firms, and Wage Inequality: Evidence from China
Wenxiao Wang September 23, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 32
970 Globalization and State Capitalism: Assessing Vietnam's Accession to the WTO
Leonardo Baccini November 6, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 29
530 Globalization and the Environmental Spillovers of sectoral FDI
Nadia Doytch December 15, 2012
Foreign Investment 49
440 Globalization and the Environmental Spillovers of sectoral FDI
Merih Uctum March 11, 2012
Foreign Investment 44
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1596 Globalization, Gender and the Family
Hale Utar November 2, 2019
Other 6
1557 Globalization, Gender, and the Family
Hale Utar June 27, 2019
Trade Policy - General 10
590 Globalization, Worker Mobility and Wage Inequality
Damir Stijepic March 31, 2014
Firm Level - General 65
268 Globaliztion and Imperfect Labor Market Sorting
Steven Matusz January 24, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 44
453 Gold Standard Gravity
James E. Anderson May 2, 2012
Trade Patterns 45
424 Gold Standard Gravity
James E. Anderson January 28, 2012
Trade Patterns 39
1093 Good jobs, bad jobs: what's trade got to do with it?
James Lake July 25, 2016
Trade Policy - General 21
1289 Goods and Factor Market Integration: A Quantitative Assessment of the EU Enlarge
Luca David Opromolla September 9, 2017
Trade Policy - General 19
1176 Goods-market Frictions and International Trade
Andrew McCallum February 1, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 27
642 Government Ownership of Bank, Access to Finance and Firm Exportability
Prakash Singh December 15, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 38
WP# Title Topic Downloads
201 Gravity in the Weightless Economy
Wolfgang Keller July 30, 2010
Foreign Investment 62
426 Gravity or Dummies? The Limits of Identification in Gravity Estimations
Cecilia Hornok January 31, 2012
Trade Policy - General 36
499 Gravity or Dummies? The Limits of Identification in Gravity Estimations
Cecilia Hornok November 10, 2012
Trade Policy - General 34
1396 Greenhouse Gas Emissions from intra-national freight transport: Measurement and
Carlos May 30, 2018
Transportation 13
1504 Growth divergence and income inequality in OECD countries: the role of trade
roberta de santis January 17, 2019
Development 16
1647 Has globalization shrunk manufacturing labor share in transition economies?
Marjan Petreski December 13, 2019
Development 11
181 Has the Euro Affected the Choice of Invoicing Currency?
Sebastian Werner June 22, 2010
Trade Patterns 44
1138 Have Sanctions Modified Iran’s Trade Policy?
Liudmila Popova and Ehsan Rasoulinezhad November 2, 2016
Other 16
1591 Headquarters Gravity: How Multinationals Shape International Trade
Zi Wang August 28, 2019
Foreign Investment 30
448 Heterogeneity and the Distance Puzzle v2
Elizaveta Archanskaia and Guillaume Daudin May 9, 2012
Trade Patterns 45
WP# Title Topic Downloads
957 Heterogeneous Firms and export pricing in India
Martin Davies August 1, 2015
Firm Level - Productivity 43
508 Heterogeneous Firms and Trade: The Determinants of Exporters’ Performance in
Chih-Hai YANG March 3, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 48
1461 Heterogeneous Firms in Trade: Quality Matters
Chen Yuting December 1, 2018
Trade Patterns 11
218 Heterogeneous firms or heterogeneous workers?
Andreas Moxnes August 2, 2010
Firm Level - Productivity 82
1491 Heterogeneous firms, corporate taxes and export behavior: A firm-level invest
Daniela Federici December 10, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 17
605 Heterogeneous Firms, International Trade and M&A Incentives
Daniel Gomez November 29, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 35
6 Heterogeneous Firms, Quality, and Trade
Alexis Antoniades December 1, 2008
Firm Level - Trade 69
4 Heterogeneous Firms, Quality, and Trade
Alexis Antoniades October 20, 2008
Firm Level - Trade 43
132 Heterogeneous Responses of Firms to Trade Protection
Hylke Vandenbussche January 5, 2010
Firm Level - Productivity 65
581 Hetrogeneity and Uncertainty in the Dynamics of Firm Selection into Foreign Mark
MehmetFatih ULU July 12, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 38
WP# Title Topic Downloads
916 Hierarchical structure of the European countries based on debts as a percentage of GDP during during the 2000-2011 period
Mustafa Keskin May 29, 2015
Political Economy 22
874 Hindrances Caused by Rising NTMs to Potential Gains in Market Access
Murali Kallummal March 9, 2015
Trade Policy - General 25
322 Home Bank Intermediation of Foreign Direct Investment
Steven Poelhekke July 15, 2011
Foreign Investment 36
785 Home Country Bias in the Legal System: Empirical Evidence from the Intellectual Property Rights Protection in Canada
Joseph Mai November 8, 2014
Political Economy 23
816 Hometown Investment Trust Funds: An Analysis of Credit Risk
Farhad TAGHIZADEH HESARY December 2, 2014
Other 31
417 Horizontal vs. Vertical FDI: Revisiting Evidence from U.S. Multinationals
Kim Ruhl October 23, 2012
Foreign Investment 45
259 How Costly was Canadian Protectionism: 1875-1910?
Jevan Cherniwchan December 17, 2010
Trade Policy - General 40
600 How could financial integration project in Maghreb countries be impacted by ex
BENHABIB Abderrezzak November 11, 2013
Trade Patterns 33
830 How do business practices affect micro and small firms’ performance?
Trinh Quang Long December 14, 2014
Firm Level - Productivity 33
1343 How Do Households Adjust to Trade Liberalization? Evidence from China
Mi Dai December 14, 2017
Development 15
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1284 How do Terms-of-Trade Effects Matter for Trade Agreements
Ryan Lee August 18, 2017
Trade Policy - Multilateral 18
1071 How Does an Industry Thrive More From Exporting?
Ruohan Wu April 9, 2016
Firm Level - Productivity 36
1048 How Does an Industry Thrive More From Exporting?
Ruohan Wu March 2, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 30
1585 How does globalization affect educational attainment? Evidence from China
Maggie Liu August 4, 2019
Development 14
1389 How does globalization affect educational attainment? Evidence from China
Maggie Y. Liu March 20, 2018
Development 31
1250 How does globalization affect educational attainment? Evidence from China
Maggie Liu June 19, 2017
Trade Policy - Regional 18
1240 How does globalization affect educational attainment? Evidence from China
Maggie Liu June 16, 2017
Development 12
1600 How Does Trade Respond to Anticipated Tariff Changes? Evidence from NAFTA
Shafaat Khan November 20, 2019
Trade Patterns 10
1710 How Does Trade Respond to Anticipated Tariff Changes? Evidence from NAFTA.
Shafaat Khan August 31, 2020
Trade Patterns 8
52 How dose FDI affect performance at home?
Matsuura Toshiyuki April 14, 2009
Foreign Investment 52
WP# Title Topic Downloads
994 How firms accumulate inputs: Evidence from import switching
Asier Mariscal December 10, 2015
Firm Level - Productivity 31
342 How Geography Affects Quality
Alexandre (Sasha) Skiba August 1, 2011
Trade Patterns 63
993 How Global is FDI? Evidence from the Analysis of Theil Indices
Wan-Hsin Liu December 7, 2015
Foreign Investment 33
289 How integrated is SADC? Trends in intra-regional and extra-regional trade flows and policy
Alberto March 8, 2011
Trade Patterns 42
177 How many illegal Mexican immigrants enter the United States, where, and why?
Stefan Eichler April 13, 2010
Immigration 63
988 How might Northern Technology Benefit but Northern Money Hurt the South through Trade?
Wenli Cheng and Dingsheng Zhang November 30, 2015
Trade Patterns 26
1028 How Migrant Workers Foster French Exports
Clément Nedoncelle February 12, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 29
910 How to realise strong and sustainable Economic Growth in Africa
Maxwell Mkwezalamba May 22, 2015
Development 19
1561 How Trade Responds to Anticipated Tariff Changes: Evidence from NAFTA
Armen Khederlarian July 10, 2019
Trade Patterns 13
740 How Will the Origin of FDI Affect Domestic Firms’ TFP?—Evidence from Vietnam
Bin Ni July 13, 2014
Firm Level - Productivity 47
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1568 How WTO Commitments Tame Uncertainty
Adam Jakubik July 30, 2019
Trade Policy - Multilateral 7
782 HRD and Foreign Remittances
Hamid Mahmodd November 4, 2014
Development 26
1538 Human Capitalists and the Global Division of Labor
Jan Schymik May 21, 2019
Firm Level - General 11
1279 Identifying Productivity Spillovers Using the Structure of Production Networks
Alexander David Rothenberg August 18, 2017
Firm Level - Productivity 23
325 If You Don't Build It...: Mexican Mobility Following the U.S. Housing Bust
Brian Kovak July 27, 2011
Immigration 39
130 Illicit Money Flows as Motives for FDI
M. Fabricio Perez December 21, 2009
Foreign Investment 53
808 Imitating to Export
Xiaoyang Li November 28, 2014
Trade Policy - General 40
815 Immigrants and Firms’ outcomes: Evidence from France
Gianluca Orefice December 2, 2014
Immigration 31
731 Immigration and Wage Dynamics: Evidence from the Mexican Peso Crisis
Joan Monras July 7, 2014
Immigration 27
694 Immigration and Wage Dynamics: Evidence from the Mexican Peso Crisis
Joan Monras March 20, 2014
Immigration 30
WP# Title Topic Downloads
55 Immigration, Firm Relocation and Welfare of Domestic Workers.
Alexandre Skiba April 14, 2009
Immigration 39
123 Immigration, Offshoring and American Jobs
Greg Wright December 17, 2009
Immigration 41
1001 Impact of Farm Subsidy on US Export: A Panel Study at State Level
Lan Anh December 13, 2015
Trade Patterns 24
517 Impact of FDI on manufacturing export in Thailand
Piya Wongpit December 13, 2012
Foreign Investment 51
Anoma Abhayaraatne November 29, 2015
Trade Policy - Regional 32
1261 Impact of Political Connections on Firms’ Mergers & Acquisition Decisions
Maksim Belenkiy August 11, 2017
Foreign Investment 14
1370 Impact of the Presence of Embassies on Trade: Evidence from Turkey
Yusuf Bagir February 2, 2018
Trade Policy - Regional 12
675 Impact of Trade Cost on Bangladesh’s Trade: A Gravity Model Approach
Mashfique Akbar January 31, 2014
Trade Patterns 47
644 Impact of Trade Cost on Bangladesh’s Trade: A Gravity Model Approach
Towfiqul Islam Khan December 15, 2013
Trade Patterns 46
1002 Impact of US Cotton Subsidies on Export: Do the Cotton Dispute Matter?
Lan Anh December 13, 2015
Trade Patterns 26
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1773 Impact of US-China Trade War on Indian External Trade
Anirban Sanyal September 29, 2021
Trade Patterns 25
394 Import Churning and Export Performance of Multi-product Firms
Joze Damijan December 15, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 47
213 Import Competition and Domestic Response: New Evidence from Mexico
Leonardo Iacovone August 1, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 81
1552 Import Competition and Outsourcing
Asha Sundaram June 15, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 7
1551 Import Competition and Outsourcing
Asha Sundaram June 15, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 7
1573 Import Competition and Outsourcing
Asha Sundaram August 1, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 12
209 Import Competition and Quality Upgrading
Amit Khandelwal August 1, 2010
Development 64
1505 Import Competition and Specialization in Multi-product Plants
Scott Orr January 21, 2019
Firm Level - Productivity 14
1645 Import Competition and Workplace Safety of the U.S. Manufacturing Sector
Travis Ng December 10, 2019
Trade Policy - General 9
1390 Import Competition, Employment and Wage Inequality in India’s Formal Manufacturi
Shubhasish Barua March 21, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 24
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1715 Import Competition, Labour Market Regulations, and Firm Outsourcing
Pavel Chakraborty September 1, 2020
Firm Level - Trade 18
1641 Import Competition, Labour Regulations and Outsourcing
Asha Sundaram December 9, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 17
841 Import Competition, Productivity and Multi-Product Firms
valerie Smeets December 15, 2014
Firm Level - Productivity 47
1678 Import Competition, Productivity, and Product Mix
Mokhtar Tabari February 14, 2020
Firm Level - Productivity 16
1616 Import Competition, Regional Divergence, and the Rise of the Skilled City
Javier Quintana Gonzalez December 5, 2019
Trade Policy - Regional 5
1540 Import Competition, Regional Divergence, and the Rise of the Skilled City
Javier Quintana Gonzalez June 12, 2019
Other 8
1791 Import Competition, Trade Credit, and Financial Frictions in General Equilibrium
Federico Esposito February 9, 2023
Trade Patterns 13
875 Import demand, domestic supply and new trade theory
Trade Policy - General 41
876 Import Penetration and the Demand for Managers: Evidence from India
Pavel Chakraborty March 11, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 26
645 Import Response to Exchange Rate Fluctuation: Evidence from Chinese Firms
Juanyi Xu December 15, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 58
WP# Title Topic Downloads
623 Import Response to Exchange Rate Fluctuation: Evidence from Chinese Firms
Yao Amber Li January 13, 2014
Firm Level - General 37
878 Import response to exchange rate fluctuations: A micro-level investigation
Yao Amber Li March 18, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 38
544 Import Switching and the Impact of a Large Devaluation
Dan Lu January 31, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 51
Juan A. December 13, 2017
Trade Policy - General 14
Juan A. November 9, 2017
Firm Level - Productivity 33
1449 Imported Intermediate Goods and Product Innovation: Evidence from India
Mehmet F. Ulu October 5, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 19
545 Imported Intermediate Inputs, Export Prices, and Trade Liberalization
Yao Amber Li February 1, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 62
843 Importing and Firm Productivity in Ethiopian Manufacturing
Kaleb G. Abreha December 16, 2014
Firm Level - General 38
1411 Importing under trade policy uncertainty: Evidence from China
Michele Imbruno June 15, 2018
Trade Policy - Multilateral 34
683 Importing, Exporting and Firm-Level Employment Volatility
Christopher Kurz February 1, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 53
WP# Title Topic Downloads
96 Imports and TFP at the Firm Level: The Role of Absorptive Capacity
Augier Patricia October 5, 2009
Firm Level - Productivity 70
1512 Imports, Exports, and Domestic Innovation
Dominik Boddin January 25, 2019
Other 31
496 Imports, Exports, and the Firm Product Scope: evidence from Turkey
Daniela Maggioni October 23, 2012
Firm Level - Trade 45
1809 Improved Access to High-Income Countries and Product Innovation: Evidence from China
Wenshuang Yu November 16, 2023
Firm Level - Trade 15
1006 Improving Competitiveness in the Face of Weakening International Commodity Price
Agni Alam Awirya December 14, 2015
Trade Policy - Regional 21
914 Improving the Business Environment in Qatar
Fadel Jaoui May 22, 2015
Political Economy 22
1693 In Gravity no Veritas: Dubious Trade Elasticity and Weak Effects of Regional Trade Agreements in Africa
Fabien Candau June 18, 2020
Trade Policy - Regional 21
960 Income and Crowding Effects on the World Market for French Wines
Fabien Candau August 20, 2015
Trade Patterns 43
1646 Income Convergence across Asian Economies: An Empirical Exploration
Sunetra Ghatak December 10, 2019
Trade Policy - Regional 10
825 Income Distribution, Quality Sorting and Trade
Alvaro Garcia Marin December 10, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 35
WP# Title Topic Downloads
801 Income Distribution, Quality Sorting and Trade
Alvaro Garcia Marin November 17, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 37
1004 Income fosters cultural diversity ... up to a point
Maria Masood December 14, 2015
Trade Patterns 26
1818 India in a Middle-Income Trap: Issues and Challenges
Dr. Anil Kumar Kanungo August 18, 2024
Development 9
613 India Sri Lankan Trade: A Reassessment
Nilanja n December 1, 2013
Trade Policy - Regional 46
894 Índice de Competitividad Regional peruana en el tercer quinquenio del siglo XXI
Marcelo Rojas Cairampoma April 20, 2015
Political Economy 18
1008 Industrial Development Paths for Two Countries
Kensuke Suzuki December 15, 2015
Development 26
604 Industrial output fluctuations in developing countries: General equilibrium consequences of agricultural productivity shocks
Hyojung Lee November 28, 2013
Development 39
767 Industrial Research and Development and Exchange Rate Depreciation in a Small Open Economy
Saleh Tabrizy November 18, 2016
Development 38
467 Industry dynamics and competition from low-wage countries: evidence on Italy
Stefano Federico July 13, 2012
Trade Patterns 44
1371 Industry-Level Scale Economies: from Micro-Estimation to Macro-Implications
Volodymyr Lugovskyy February 2, 2018
Trade Patterns 16
WP# Title Topic Downloads
845 Inequality and International Trade: The Role of Skill-Biased Technology and Sear
Moritz Ritter January 19, 2015
Firm Level - General 36
1335 Inequality and Trade Policy: Determining the Pro-Poor Bias of India's Contemp
Beyza Ural Marchand December 14, 2017
Trade Policy - Regional 8
1336 Inequality and Trade Policy: Pro-Poor Bias of Contemporary Trade Restrictions
Beyza Ural Marchand December 14, 2017
Trade Policy - Regional 12
593 Information externalities and export duration at the firm level
Ricardo Arguello July 15, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 55
678 Innovation and Credit Constraints – Evidence from a Survey of Vietnamese SMEs
Mai Anh Ngo January 31, 2014
Firm Level - General 42
747 Input Linkages and the Transmission of Shocks: Firm Level Evidence
Aaron B Flaaen July 15, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 41
373 Input Tariffs, Speed of Contract Enforcement, and the Productivity of Firms in I
Reshad N Ahsan November 28, 2011
Firm Level - Productivity 38
1451 Input-Output Linkages and Sectoral Volatility
Michael Olabisi October 30, 2018
Other 31
864 Input-Trade Liberalization and Markups
Yao Amber Li February 15, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 32
571 Input-Trade Liberalization, Export Prices and Quality Upgrading.
Strauss-Kahn Vanessa July 2, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 52
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1567 Intellectual Property and the Organization of the Global Value Chain
Alireza Naghavi July 29, 2019
Foreign Investment 14
1506 Intellectual Property Regimes and Wage Inequality
Pavel Chakraborty January 24, 2019
Firm Level - General 10
601 Intermediate inputs and the export gravity equation
Francesco Serti November 17, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 44
1373 Internal Geography and the Effect of Imports on Non-Homothetic Consumption
Volodymyr Lugovskyy February 2, 2018
Trade Patterns 25
1440 Internal Geography and the Effect of Imports on Non-Homothetic Consumption Patte
Alexandre Skiba August 1, 2018
Trade Patterns 16
1785 Internal Migration, Sectoral Reallocation, and Large Devaluation
Jaedo Choi August 4, 2022
Trade Patterns 22
1770 Internalization of Externalities in International Trade
Jamal Ibrahim Haidar September 13, 2021
Firm Level - Trade 14
396 International business cycle comovement and vertical specialization reconsidered
Chin-Yoong Wong December 15, 2011
Trade Patterns 38
386 International Business Relation of Emerging India with South Asian Neighbours: A
Abu Hena Reza Hasan December 10, 2011
Trade Patterns 45
1660 International Business Travel and Technology Sourcing
Nune Hovhannisyan January 27, 2020
Other 7
WP# Title Topic Downloads
345 International Business Travel: An Engine of Innovation?
Nune Hovhannisyan August 1, 2011
Development 47
247 International Business Travel: An Engine of Innovation?
Nune Hovhannisyan December 13, 2010
Development 35
205 International Business Travel: An Engine of Innovation?
Nune Hovhannisyan July 31, 2010
Development 42
442 International Competition and Industrial Evolution
Hale Utar February 27, 2013
Firm Level - General 42
821 International Competition and Labor Market Adjustment
Joao Paulo Pessoa December 7, 2014
Other 29
1135 International Isolation and Regional Inequality
Yong Suk Lee September 25, 2016
Trade Policy - General 17
1134 International Isolation and Regional Inequality: Evidence from Sanctions on North Korea
Yong Suk Lee September 25, 2016
Trade Policy - Multilateral 17
963 International Labor Organization’s Conventions & Bangladesh Position and Needed Initiatives
Ismat Jarin September 29, 2015
Development 19
679 International Patenting Strategies with Heterogeneous Firms
Nikolas Zolas January 31, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 36
1584 International Patenting with Heterogeneous Firms
Nikolas Zolas August 2, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 11
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1165 International Sanctions: The High Cost of Proliferation in a Neopatrimonial Regime
Farhad Rezaei January 12, 2017
Political Economy 13
525 International Trade and Unemployment: A Quantitative Framework
Benedikt Heid December 15, 2012
Trade Policy - General 42
734 International trade costs in services
Parul Deswal July 8, 2014
Other 42
1114 International Trade Elasticities at the Firm Level: French Evidence
Philippe Martin August 1, 2016
Other 26
1556 International Trade Liberalization and Domestic Institutional Reform
Yuan Tian June 22, 2019
Political Economy 13
1691 International Trade of Essential Goods During a Pandemic
Fernando Leibovici and Ana Maria Santacreu May 7, 2020
Trade Policy - General 32
1610 International Trade Structure and Labour Share: Industry level Analysis in India
Jagannath Mallick December 3, 2019
Trade Patterns 9
780 International Trade, Risk and the Role of Banks
Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr November 4, 2014
Trade Patterns 31
250 International Trade, Technology Diffusion, and the Role of Diffusion Barriers
Yao Amber Li October 20, 2011
Trade Patterns 40
207 International Trade, Technology Diffusion, and the Role of Diffusion Barriers
Yao Li October 20, 2011
Trade Patterns 46
WP# Title Topic Downloads
144 International Trade, Technology Diffusion, and the Role of Diffusion Barriers
Yao Li July 9, 2011
Trade Patterns 70
122 International Trade, Technology Diffusion, and the Role of Diffusion Barriers
Yao (Amber) Li February 27, 2010
Trade Patterns 55
1038 Internationalization choices and Italian firm performance during the crisis
claudio vicarelli February 25, 2016
Firm Level - General 22
473 Internationalization Modes of European Firms
Balazs Murakozy July 15, 2012
Firm Level - Trade 38
384 Internationalization of Indian Firms: Overseas Investment A Key
Dr. Anil Kumar Kanungo December 7, 2011
Foreign Investment 38
14 Intra and Extra-regional Effects of Plurilateral FTAs in Asia
Hiro Lee January 11, 2009
Trade Policy - Regional 51
513 Intra-regional trade integration in East Asia - A post-crisis change of paradigm
NICOLAS Francoise December 11, 2012
Trade Patterns 45
68 Investigating the Asymptotic Properties of Elasticity of Substitution Estimates
Anson Soderbery July 17, 2009
Trade Patterns 38
Ilona V. Tregub, Oleg Segal February 17, 2013
Firm Level - Productivity 45
658 Investigation of the Influence of Unemployment on Economic Indicators
Ilona V. Tregub December 19, 2013
Other 41
WP# Title Topic Downloads
597 Investigation of the Influence of Unemployment on Economic Indicators
Ilona V. Tregub November 1, 2013
Other 40
493 Investing in Copper and Alloy Fabrication Plants
Carlos R. Risopatron October 22, 2012
Development 29
498 Investment Portfolio Formation for the Pension Fund of Russia
Ilona V. Tregub November 4, 2012
Development 34
685 Investment Project Risk Analysis in the Environment of Russian Economy
Tregub March 8, 2014
Foreign Investment 37
1546 Investment Protection and IIA: Meta Analysis
Zdenek DRABEK June 14, 2019
Trade Policy - Multilateral 9
1037 Investment Response to Exchange Rate Uncertainty: Evidence from Chinese Exporter
Zhengning Liu February 25, 2016
Firm Level - General 28
1076 Investor protection : towards additional EU regulation of investment funds ?
Wegman, Hanneke April 9, 2016
Foreign Investment 25
1665 IP Related Preferential Trade Agreements and the Composition of Trade
Keith E Maskus February 9, 2020
Trade Patterns 21
758 Iran Trade and Investment Relations with the World before and after the Revolution
Farangis Abdurazokzoda August 18, 2014
Foreign Investment 25
1777 Iraq Back on Track: The Case for Expediting WTO Accession of “Fragile and Conflict Affected” (“FCA”) Countries
Bashar H. Malkawi December 31, 2021
Trade Policy - Multilateral 1
WP# Title Topic Downloads
127 Irish firms' productivity and input's origin
Emanuele Forlani December 18, 2009
Firm Level - Productivity 42
1523 Is a Medi-Arab economic union is a solution to take off the region’s trade and e
Hadjer Boulila March 9, 2019
Other 10
1122 Is Free Trade Good for Growth? Reconciling Macro- and Microeconomic Evidence
Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso August 2, 2016
Trade Policy - General 32
1096 Is Free Trade Good or Bad for Innovation
Tuan Anh Luong July 26, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 28
178 Is Protectionism on the Rise? Assessing National Trade Policies during the Cris
Hiau Looi Kee May 5, 2010
Trade Policy - Multilateral 47
1703 Is Regulatory Policy Important?
Nick Malyshev August 4, 2020
Other 10
134 Is Skill Dispersion a Source of Productivity and Exports in Developing Countries
John Morrow January 11, 2010
Firm Level - Productivity 56
39 Is the Export Premium Robust to innovation statistics
Sarah GUILLOU March 31, 2009
Firm Level - Trade 37
522 Is the impact of AGOA heterogeneous
Edgar F. A. Cooke December 14, 2012
Trade Policy - General 32
1816 Is the WTO Passé? The Impact of Multilateral Economic Integration on Agri-Food Global Value Chains
Dongin Kim August 6, 2024
Trade Policy - Multilateral 4
WP# Title Topic Downloads
520 Is There a Pollution Haven Effect? Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment in C
Yi Lu December 14, 2012
Foreign Investment 41
574 Is there an Efficiency Case for International Labor Standards?
Raymond Robertson July 5, 2013
Trade Policy - Multilateral 35
324 Is there learning by exporting? Evidence from the automobile industry in China
Tuan Anh Luong July 20, 2011
Firm Level - Productivity 34
1347 Is Trade or Trade Risk Good or Bad to Efficiency and Productivity?
Saleem Shaik December 15, 2017
Trade Policy - General 13
1327 Islands as 'Bad Geography': insularity, connectedness, history and trade
Anna Maria Pinna December 13, 2017
Development 10
766 It`s Not You, It`s Me: Breakups in U.S.-China Trade Relationships
Ryan Monarch October 10, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 37
1220 Japanese Economy: Genesis of the Malaise and Abenomics
Perna Gandhi May 22, 2017
Political Economy 14
562 Japanese FDI in Indian Automobile Sector: Evolution and Practices
Dr. Anil Kumar Kanungo May 17, 2013
Foreign Investment 44
620 Japanese Foreign Direct Investment in Indian Automobile Sector: Evolution and Pr
Dr. Anil Kumar Kanungo December 5, 2013
Foreign Investment 29
561 Japanese Foreign Direct Investment in Indian Automobile Sector: Evolution and Pr
Dr. Anil Kumar Kanungo May 16, 2013
Foreign Investment 38
WP# Title Topic Downloads
485 Judicial Quality, Contract Intensity and Firm Exports: Evidence from China
Yanling Wang July 31, 2012
Firm Level - Trade 70
487 Keynesian Theory of Consumption. Theoretical and Practical Aspects
Tregub September 20, 2012
Political Economy 38
759 Killing a second bird with one stone? Promoting firm growth and export through tax policy
Michele Bernini September 10, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 31
1172 Knowledge Di usion and Trade Across Countries and Sectors
Jie April Cai January 29, 2017
Other 14
1291 Knowledge Diffusion, Trade and Innovation across Countries and Sectors
Jie April Cai September 16, 2017
Development 26
469 Knowledge Linkage, Specialisation and Growth
Jie April Cai July 13, 2012
Trade Patterns 35
385 Kyoto and Carbon Leakage: An Empirical Analysis of the Carbon Content of Trade
Rahel Aichele December 8, 2011
Trade Patterns 56
265 Labor Market Institutions, Firm-specific Skills, and Trade Patterns
Heiwai Tang January 15, 2011
Trade Patterns 44
353 Labor Taxation and FDI decisions in the European Union
Åsa Hansson October 21, 2011
Political Economy 31
1803 Land abundance, openness, and industrialization
Adrian Wood October 10, 2023
Trade Patterns 7
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1606 Land-Use Regulation and Economic Development
Yue Yu December 3, 2019
Trade Policy - Regional 6
1739 Late-movers outperform first-movers in export markets
Jamal I Haidar September 25, 2020
Firm Level - Trade 30
1738 Late-movers outperform first-movers in export markets
Jamal I Haidar September 25, 2020
Firm Level - Trade 14
1101 Learning and the Value of Trade Relationships
Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr July 28, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 31
1565 Learning by Exporting: Evidence of Learning from American Manufacturing
Nune Hovhannisyan July 22, 2019
Trade Patterns 16
1052 Learning by exporting: The case of Mozambican manufacturing
Finn Tarp March 4, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 28
1066 Learning by Exporting: The Effects of Exporting on Firm Innovation in Korean Manufacturing Industries
Jaeho Lee April 2, 2016
Firm Level - Productivity 36
1050 Learning by Exporting: The Effects of Exporting on Firm Innovation in Korean Manufacturing Industries
Xiaochen Wu March 4, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 36
32 Learning by exporting: which channels? An empirical analysis for Turkey
Daniela Maggioni March 21, 2009
Firm Level - Trade 54
111 Learning from trade through innovation
Joze P. Damijan December 14, 2009
Firm Level - Trade 77
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1056 Learning to export and learning by exporting The case of Ethiopian manufacturing
Mulu Gebreeyesus March 17, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 26
428 Learning to export and the timing of entry to export markets
Nicholas Sheard May 2, 2012
Firm Level - Trade 97
16 Learning-by-exporting in Korean Manufacturing: A Plant-level Analysis
Hahn, Chin Hee January 14, 2009
Firm Level - Productivity 41
1049 Learning-by-exporting versus self-selection: New evidence for 19 sub-Saharan African countries
Florian Kaulich March 4, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 25
164 Leontief Was Not Right After All
Eric Fisher March 23, 2010
Other 50
1030 Lerner, Smith, Trade Policy and Income Growth
Matthew Cadbury February 15, 2016
Trade Policy - General 27
1745 Less Pain, More Gain? The Effect of Exports on Workplace Safety
Yang Liang December 10, 2020
Firm Level - General 27
120 Let's Take the Con Out of Factor Content
Eric Fisher December 17, 2009
Trade Patterns 43
Alistair Alleyne December 6, 2019
Trade Policy - Regional 3
480 Living Conditions, Migration and Trade Flows in the EU-Mediterranean Zone
Selim Cagatay July 15, 2012
Immigration 38
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1755 Lobbying, Trade, and Endogenous Misallocation
Jaedo Choi April 15, 2021
Political Economy 31
1146 Local Credit and International Trade
Joseph Vavrus November 16, 2016
Development 17
1280 Local Welfare Impact of Trade Liberalization. TPP and U.S. States
Ibrahim Gunay August 18, 2017
Trade Policy - Multilateral 18
948 Localised complementary currencies: the new tool for policymakers?
Michele Lim July 31, 2015
Foreign Investment 22
1069 Localised complementary currencies: the new tool for policymakers? The Sardex exchange system
Rod Mayer April 2, 2016
Political Economy 25
251 Looking for Local-Labor-Market Effects of NAFTA
John McLaren December 16, 2010
Trade Policy - Regional 34
1177 Love Me, Love My Dog: Effects of Attitudes on Trade and FDI
Larry D. Qiu February 1, 2017
Trade Patterns 23
194 Low-Wage Countries Competition and the Quality of French Exports
Firm Level - Trade 44
1510 Machines and machinists: Importing skill-biased technology
Miklos Koren January 25, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 13
454 Macroeconomic and Social Impacts of EPAs on Ivorian Economy: A New Assessment
FE Doukouré Charles May 10, 2012
Trade Patterns 29
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1148 Maize and Precolonial Africa
Juan Moreno-Cruz November 26, 2016
Development 22
949 Making (Small) Firms Happy. The Hetergeneous Effect of Trade Facilitation Measur
Gianluca Orefice August 1, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 31
Rafiqul Islam Molla November 14, 2011
Political Economy 48
1153 Managing Trade: Evidence from China and the US
Kalina Manova November 29, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 32
1687 Market Access and Issues of Data Gaps and Transparency and Information Asymmetry: A Case of RCEP Negotiations
Murali Kallummal March 30, 2020
Trade Policy - General 16
964 Market Access Challenges for Readymade Garments Sector of Bangladesh : Strategies for Future
Ismat Jarin September 29, 2015
Development 25
1431 Market Integration and Convergence in Consumption Patterns
Eve Sihra July 31, 2018
Trade Policy - General 10
1474 Market Integration and Convergence in Consumption Patterns
Eve Colson-Sihra December 7, 2018
Political Economy 6
1020 Market Potential and Global Growth over the Long Twentieth Century
David Jacks January 26, 2016
Trade Patterns 31
1147 Market power and free trade agreements
Sophie Soete November 18, 2016
Political Economy 19
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1394 Market Power in Input Markets: Theory and Evidence from French Manufacturing
Monica Morlacco April 23, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 31
555 Market Reallocation and Knowledge Spillover: Gains from Multinational Product
Laura Alfaro March 8, 2013
Foreign Investment 46
1578 Market Structure, Freight Rate Disp., and Firm Size Distrib. of Importing Firms
Adina Ardelean August 1, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 6
1142 Market-Specific Trade Costs and Firm Dynamics
Salamat Ali November 5, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 18
1288 Market-Specific Trade Costs and Firm Dynamics in Pakistan
Salamat Ali September 7, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 19
405 Markups and export pricing
Karin Olofsdotter December 16, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 40
244 Markups and Exporting Behavior
Frederic Warzynski December 13, 2010
Firm Level - Productivity 42
1259 Markups and Misallocation with Evidence from an Exchange Rate Appreciation
Ariel Weinberger August 8, 2017
Firm Level - Productivity 17
771 Markups and Misallocation with Trade and Heterogeneous Firms
Ariel Weinberger October 21, 2014
Firm Level - Productivity 30
1469 Matched trade at the firm level and the origins of business-cycle comovement
Mark December 6, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 5
WP# Title Topic Downloads
550 Mathematical Model of Income Tax Revenue on the UK example
Svetlana Ivanitskaya, Ilona V. Tregub February 14, 2013
Development 42
764 Mathematical Models of Development
Galaeva L., Tutor: Tregub Ilo September 29, 2014
Development 35
1775 Maximum Residue Level (MRL): Dilemma of Agricultural Product Exporters in Sri Lanka
Eranda Roshan Fernando December 10, 2021
Trade Policy - General 3
820 Measured Wage Inequality and Input Trade Liberalization: Evidence from Chinese Firms
Bo Chen December 6, 2014
Firm Level - General 33
1684 Measuring Heterogeneity Across Preferential Trade Agreements
Maria Ptashkina March 13, 2020
Trade Policy - Regional 24
1587 Measuring the Cost of a Tariff War: A Sufficient Statistics Approach
Ahmad Lashkaripour August 8, 2019
Trade Policy - General 34
258 Measuring the Cost of International Trade in Services
Ben Shepherd December 17, 2010
Trade Patterns 65
Styliani Christodoulopoulou March 30, 2014
Trade Policy - General 36
1410 Measuring the Input Rank in Global Supply Networks
Armando Rungi June 14, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 18
1658 Measuring The Social Impact Of Business Registration Costs
Christine Ferris January 26, 2020
Other 7
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1192 Measuring The Social Impact Of Business Registration Costs
Christine Ferris February 13, 2017
Development 16
1533 Measuring What Matters in Global Value Chains and Value-Added Trade
Alessandro Borin April 7, 2019
Trade Patterns 16
762 Method of Forecasting the Financial Bubbles
Matveeva E., Tutor: Tregub Ilona V. September 18, 2014
Development 39
1705 Migrants, Trade and Market Access
Barthelemy Bonadio August 19, 2020
Immigration 10
490 Minimum Wage and Export with Heterogeneous Firms
Churen Sun October 17, 2012
Firm Level - Trade 43
1263 Mining Matters: Natural Resource Extraction and Firm-Level Constraints
Steven Poelhekke August 12, 2017
Firm Level - Productivity 13
1170 Mining matters: natural resource extraction and local business constraints
Steven Poelhekke January 27, 2017
Firm Level - General 15
M. Jahangir Alam July 13, 2018
Trade Policy - General 31
1475 Misallocation in the Market for Inputs: Enforcement and the Organization of Prod
Johannes Boehm December 7, 2018
Development 10
1483 Misallocation under Trade Liberalization
Dan Lu December 9, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 15
WP# Title Topic Downloads
702 Misallocation, Internal Trade, and the Role of Transportation Infrastructure
Manuel Garcia santana March 29, 2014
Trade Patterns 37
1477 Misreported Trade
Mohammad Farhad December 8, 2018
Trade Policy - General 14
1427 Misreported Trade
Mohammad Farhad July 29, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 13
787 Modeling the Insolvency of Bond Issuer
Ilona V. Tregub November 9, 2014
Development 34
872 Monetary Integration In The Presence Of Heterogeneous Countries: How Much Does I
Aram Belhadj March 9, 2015
Other 24
538 Monetary Policy Competition And Cooperation
Wenjie Du January 16, 2013
Trade Policy - Regional 36
1158 Money in Motion and Credit Constraint
Tang Xueliang November 30, 2016
Development 16
1603 Moving to Autarky, Trade Creation and Home Market Effect: an Exhaustive Analysis of Regional Trade Agreements in Africa
Fabien Candau December 1, 2019
Trade Policy - Regional 10
1385 Multi-product Exporters and Antidumping: Evidence from China
Min Zhu March 19, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 19
1501 Multi-product Exporters and Antidumping: Evidence from China
Min Zhu January 2, 2019
Trade Policy - General 21
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1227 Multi-product Exporters and Antidumping: Evidence from China
Min Zhu June 8, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 22
741 Multi-product exporters, variable markups and exchange rate fluctuations
Arpita Chatterjee July 14, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 34
1707 Multi-product Exporters: Facts and Fiction
lena shevelva August 28, 2020
Firm Level - Productivity 17
1694 Multi-product Exporters: Facts and Fiction
Lena Sheveleva June 28, 2020
Firm Level - Trade 18
1802 Multi-product Firms and Competition: Fight or Flight?
Rui Zhang (Ray) October 6, 2023
Firm Level - Trade 12
224 Multi-Product Firms and Exchange Rate Fluctuations
Arpita Chatterjee August 21, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 42
745 Multilateral Environmental Agreements and the WTO
Jayjit Roy July 15, 2014
Trade Policy - Multilateral 30
380 Multimarket entry in exporting
Nicholas Sheard December 3, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 56
172 Multinational Firms and Job Tasks
Fredrik Sjöholm March 31, 2010
Firm Level - General 63
765 Multinational Production and Comparative Advantage
Vanessa I Alviarez October 6, 2014
Foreign Investment 34
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1298 Multinational Production and Corporate Taxes: A Quantitative Assessment
Zi Wang October 29, 2017
Trade Policy - General 29
1577 Multinational Production and Labor Share
Daisuke Adachi August 7, 2019
Foreign Investment 18
1450 Multinational Production, Innovation Relocation, and the Consequences of Globalization
Zi Wang October 8, 2018
Foreign Investment 24
1099 Multinationals, Offshoring and the Decline of U.S. Manufacturing
Nitya Pandalai-Nayar July 26, 2016
Firm Level - General 23
1036 Multiproduct Firms across Rich and Poor Countries. Theory and Evidence.
Luca Macedoni February 24, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 32
1535 Multiproduct Firms and Antidumping Duties: Evidence from India
Piyush Chandra April 16, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 15
608 Multiproduct Firms, Export Product Scope, and Trade Liberalization
Miaojie Yu November 30, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 34
1649 National Security Review of Chinese FDI into the U.S.
Bashar H. Malkawi December 14, 2019
Foreign Investment 10
542 Native Students and the Gains from Exporting Higher Education: Evidence from Aus
Li Zhou January 31, 2013
Immigration 31
1311 Negotiating South-South Regional Trade Agreements: Economic Opportunities
Gbadebo Olusegun Odularu December 4, 2017
Trade Policy - Regional 9
WP# Title Topic Downloads
Luca De Benedictis March 31, 2014
Trade Patterns 54
49 Networks in Growth: Product Space, Small World Networks and Growth Acceleration.
Raja Kali April 6, 2009
Trade Patterns 44
263 New Aspects of Intra-Industry trade: Evidence from EU-15 countries
Tadashi Ito January 13, 2011
Trade Patterns 59
516 New evidence on preference utilization
Andreas Lendle December 13, 2012
Trade Patterns 33
669 No Guarantees, No Trade: How Banks Affect Export Patterns
Friederike Niepmann April 21, 2014
Trade Patterns 43
371 No Nation Was Ever Ruined by Trade: South-Eastern European Trade Analysis
Marjan Petreski November 22, 2011
Trade Policy - Regional 36
269 Non-Market Interactions and Entry into Export Markets
Germán Pupato January 25, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 33
85 Nonhomothetic Tastes and Missing Trade of Factor Services
Shuichiro Nishioka July 31, 2009
Development 33
174 North American Integration and Canadian Foreign Direct Investment
Ayça Tekin-Koru April 8, 2010
Foreign Investment 50
847 Nuclear Commerce- Essentials. Politico- military, security, legal and socio-economic aspects.
Anis Bajkrektarevic and Petra Posega January 21, 2015
Other 24
WP# Title Topic Downloads
364 Objective determination of pharmaceutical product in transition countries
Assc.Prof. dr Veselin Dickov November 9, 2011
Development 43
241 Off shoring to high and low income countries and the labour demand. Evidence from Italian firms
Alessia Lo Turco December 15, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 36
1274 Offshoring and Wage Inequality: Theory and Evidence from China
Liugang Sheng August 17, 2017
Development 22
566 Offshoring as Process Innovation
Mitsuru Igami May 30, 2013
Firm Level - Productivity 49
828 Offshoring Production or Offshoring Pollution?
Xiaoyang Li December 14, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 35
695 Offshoring under Oligopoly
Mitsuru Igami March 21, 2014
Firm Level - General 37
1187 Offshoring, Exports and Employment: Theory and Evidence from Korean Firms
Priya Ranjan February 3, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 23
488 Okun's Law Testing Using Modern Statistical Data
E. Kabanova, Ilona V. Tregub September 21, 2012
Development 47
1547 Oligopoly and Oligopsony in International Trade
Vladimir Tyazhelnikov June 15, 2019
Trade Patterns 7
923 On crises, international trade and exchange rate regimes.
Francisco José Ledesma Rodríguez June 10, 2015
Foreign Investment 32
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1067 On target: an analysis of Abenomics
Chen Yue Lok April 2, 2016
Political Economy 19
934 On target: an analysis of Abenomics
Chen Yue Lok July 28, 2015
Political Economy 24
1206 On the Accessibility of Voluntary Sustainability Standards for Suppliers
Olga Solleder March 15, 2017
Development 18
311 On the determinants of exports survival
Ana Cristina Molina April 6, 2011
Trade Patterns 78
1781 On the Dynamic Trade Effects of Temporary Trade Barriers
Armen Khederlarian March 9, 2022
Trade Policy - General 19
1047 On the Ease of Doing Business in APEC
Alvin Ang March 2, 2016
Development 21
1074 On the Effect of Doing Business on Foreign Direct Investment
Ricardo Sebastian April 9, 2016
Development 31
991 On the Effect of Doing Business on Foreign Direct Investment
Ricardo Sebastian December 1, 2015
Foreign Investment 32
954 On the Environmental Consequences of Intra-Industry Trade
Jayjit Roy August 1, 2015
Other 29
357 On The Feasibility of an Optimum Currency Area in the GCC: An empirical investi
BENBOUZIANE Mohamed November 7, 2011
Trade Patterns 31
WP# Title Topic Downloads
359 On the Fragmentation of Production in the US
Thibault FALLY November 3, 2012
Other 39
462 On the Pro-trade effects of immigrants
Luca De Benedictis July 10, 2012
Immigration 41
193 On the Robustness of the Trade-Inducing Effects of Trade Agreements and CUs
Jayjit Roy July 28, 2010
Trade Policy - General 45
38 On the Sensitivity of Estimated Elasticities of Substitution
Lukas Mohler March 31, 2009
Trade Patterns 48
1713 One Belt, One Road, One Way? Where European Exporters Benefit from the New Silkroad
Karsten Mau September 1, 2020
Transportation 18
1167 One-off Export Events
Ingo Geishecker January 16, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 21
200 Onshore, Offshore or Online: Barriers to Trade in Education Services
Adugna Lemi July 30, 2010
Trade Patterns 41
1494 Openness and Factor Shares: Is Globalization Always Bad for Labor?
A. Leblebicioglu December 10, 2018
Firm Level - General 18
42 Openness, competition, technology and FDI spillovers: Evidence from Romania
Bruno Merlevede March 31, 2009
Foreign Investment 54
518 Openness, Institutions, and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Panel Estim
MD MANSUR AHMED December 14, 2012
Trade Policy - General 45
WP# Title Topic Downloads
416 Opportunity to Develop Tourism Industry through Investment
Agni Alam Awirya December 19, 2011
Foreign Investment 38
1812 Optimal Spatial Emissions
Zi Wang May 16, 2024
Trade Policy - Regional 16
1226 Optimum allocation of Iranian oil and gas resources in a in resistive economy conditions
Mojtaba Salehi and Mohammad Mahdi Goorkani June 5, 2017
Political Economy 10
125 Organizational Forms of Importing Firms in U.S. Manufacturing
Victor Shlychkov December 18, 2009
Firm Level - Trade 39
902 Organizing the Global Value Chain: a firm-level test
Armando Rungi May 19, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 52
810 Outward Direct Investment and Firm Productivity: Evidence from Chinese Firms
Miaojie Yu November 29, 2014
Foreign Investment 47
1198 Outward FDI and Domestic Input Distortions: Evidence from Chinese Firms
Miaojie Yu March 8, 2017
Foreign Investment 20
1201 Outward FDI motives of Indian Firms
Nilanjan Banik March 10, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 13
1473 Over the ROC: Productivity, Economic Size and Firms Export Thresholds
claudio vicarelli December 7, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 6
162 Paradoxes of Productivity: Trade Liberalisation and Morocco
Michael Gasiorek March 19, 2010
Firm Level - Productivity 51
WP# Title Topic Downloads
183 Paradoxes of Productivity: Trade Liberalisation and Morocco
Michael Gasiorek July 8, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 52
476 Paraguay: A Sensitivity Analysis of Gravity Model Estimation Techniques
Victor Gauto July 15, 2012
Trade Policy - Regional 50
475 Paraguay: A Sensitivity Analysis of Gravity Model Estimation Techniques
Victor Gauto July 15, 2012
Trade Policy - Regional 35
1118 Pareto or not? The Intensive and Extensive Margins of Trade and Trade Elasticity
Vladimir Tyazhelnikov August 1, 2016
Firm Level - Productivity 25
1024 Participation in Global Value Chains: macro and micro evidence for North Africa
Davide Del Prete January 31, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 37
Dao Ngoc Tien December 2, 2013
Political Economy 30
35 Paths of Development and Wage Variations
Kozo Kiyota March 28, 2009
Trade Patterns 38
556 Payment Contracts in International Trade: Theory and Evidence
Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr March 15, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 48
1281 Peeling Away the Layers: Impacts of Durable Tariff Elimination
Arevik Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan August 18, 2017
Trade Policy - Multilateral 14
776 Per Capita Income and the Mystery of Missing Trade
James Cassing October 27, 2014
Trade Patterns 31
WP# Title Topic Downloads
986 Performance Evaluation during Uncertainty
Nima Rahmani November 29, 2015
Development 22
1021 Performance Pay, Trade and Inequality
Germán Pupato January 27, 2016
Firm Level - General 30
1441 Phase Out Tariffs, Phase In Trade?
James Lake April 10, 2019
Trade Policy - Regional 26
1155 Physical Productivity and Exceptional Exporter Performance
valerie smeets November 30, 2016
Firm Level - Productivity 20
99 Plant Size, Nationality and Ownership Changes
Yanling Wang November 18, 2009
Foreign Investment 46
1384 Polarization of American Workers: The Big Squeeze from Occupational Exposure to
Leilei Shen March 18, 2018
Trade Patterns 11
1652 Policy Effects of International Taxation on Firm Dynamics and Capital Structure
Adam Spencer January 20, 2020
Firm Level - Trade 7
1109 Policy Uncertainty and Foreign Direct Investment
Cheng Chen July 30, 2016
Foreign Investment 30
1726 Political Agreements and Exporting Activities
Ali Dadpay and Saleh Tabrizy September 8, 2020
Political Economy 15
1748 Political Connections Reduce Job Creation: Firmlevel Evidence from Lebanon
Jamal Ibrahim Haidar December 21, 2020
Development 24
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1106 Pollution Control and Foreign Firms' Exit Behavior in China
Theresa Greaney July 29, 2016
Foreign Investment 27
925 Pollution Haven and Corruption Paradise
Fabien Candau July 17, 2015
Foreign Investment 38
768 Population Aging and Comparative Advantage
Andrey Stoyanov October 21, 2014
Trade Patterns 28
1139 Post-Sanctions Asianization and De-Europeanization of Iranian Trade
Liudmila Popova and Ehsan Raso November 2, 2016
Other 15
537 Preferences, Rent Destruction and Multilateral Liberalisation: CUSFTA
Tobias Ketterer January 12, 2013
Trade Policy - Multilateral 34
1297 Preparing to Export
Claudio Labanca October 29, 2017
Firm Level - General 23
1484 Price Shocks and Labor Mobility: Theory and Evidence from Indonesia
Rizki Nauli Siregar December 9, 2018
Development 7
1360 Pro-competitive effects of globalisation on prices, productivity and markups
Raphael Lee January 30, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 17
1305 Pro-competitive effects of globalisation on prices, productivity and markups
Raphael Lee December 4, 2017
Trade Policy - Multilateral 12
1174 Pro-competitive effects of globalisation on prices, productivity and markups
Raphael Lee January 31, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 24
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1197 Pro-competitive effects of globalisation on prices, productivity and markups
Raphael Lee March 1, 2017
Firm Level - General 23
1386 Pro-competitive effects of trade on prices, productivity and markups
Raphael Lee March 19, 2018
Trade Policy - Regional 21
334 Processing Trade, Firm Productivity, and Tarff Reductions:Evidence from China
Miaojie Yu July 29, 2011
Firm Level - Productivity 51
302 Processing Trade, Firm Productivity, and Tarff Reductions:Evidence from China
Miaojie Yu March 31, 2011
Firm Level - Productivity 48
1752 Processing-Trade-Induced Dutch Disease
Zi Wang February 4, 2021
Trade Policy - General 48
763 Product Mix and Destination Portfolio in Firms’ Export Growth
Yanling Wang September 22, 2014
Trade Patterns 40
1210 Product Quality, Duration, and Trade Growth
Tibor Besedes March 17, 2017
Trade Patterns 46
1718 Product-Level Trade Elasticities: Worth Weighting For
Gianluca Orefice September 2, 2020
Trade Policy - General 12
1633 Production Network Dynamics and the Propagation of Shocks
Federico Huneeus December 9, 2019
Firm Level - General 8
81 Productivity and International Market Linkages of Indonesian Plants: Evidence fr
Jing Sun July 31, 2009
Firm Level - Productivity 38
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1051 Productivity and Learning-by-exporting: A Firm-level Analysis of Indian Manufacturing
Sanja S. Pattnayak March 4, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 37
582 Productivity As If Space Mattered: An Application to Factor Markets Across China
John Morrow July 13, 2013
Firm Level - Productivity 38
506 Productivity As If Space Mattered: An Application to Factor Markets Across China
John Morrow December 6, 2012
Firm Level - Productivity 32
1237 Productivity Growth of Sailing: An Evidence from Slave Transportation from Balti
Tetsuya Saito June 15, 2017
Transportation 10
351 Productivity, Quality and Export Behavior
Paolo Epifani October 16, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 50
1072 Productizing the “Doing Business in Finland”
Elina Silvennoinen April 9, 2016
Foreign Investment 24
1045 Productizing the “Doing Business in Finland”
Elina Silvennoinen February 29, 2016
Development 20
238 Proliferation of Preferential Trade Agreements: an Empirical Analysis
Nelnan Koumtingué November 22, 2010
Trade Policy - Regional 55
1215 Proliferation, Sanctions, and Rollback
Farhad Rezaie March 30, 2017
Political Economy 14
1164 Proliferation, Sanctions, and Rollback: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Farhad Rezaei January 12, 2017
Political Economy 15
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1735 Property Rights and the Factor Content of Trade: ...
Alexandre Skiba September 11, 2020
Trade Patterns 21
646 Prospects for Energy Security in Asia-Pacific through Regional Trade
Vivian Leung December 15, 2013
Trade Policy - Regional 39
22 Protection and Skills: Does Trade Policy Favor Low-skill Workers?
Scott Bradford January 16, 2009
Political Economy 41
82 Protection for Free: The Political Economy of US Tariff Suspensions
Rodney Ludema June 29, 2010
Political Economy 39
887 Protection for Free? Political Economy of US Tariff Suspensions
Prachi Mishra April 1, 2015
Political Economy 33
863 Protection for Free? Political Economy of US Tariff Suspensions
Prachi Mishra February 15, 2015
Political Economy 28
568 Protection for Free? The Political Economy of U.S. Tariff Suspensions
Anna Maria Mayda June 14, 2013
Political Economy 35
392 Protection for Free? The Political Economy of U.S. Tariff Suspensions
Anna Maria Mayda December 13, 2011
Trade Policy - Multilateral 37
PRACHI MISHRA August 1, 2010
Political Economy 47
1245 Protection for Sale with Consumer Externalities: an Application to NTMs
Lucia Pacca June 17, 2017
Political Economy 16
WP# Title Topic Downloads
339 Quality and Price Competition in US Imports
Jorge Chami Batista August 1, 2011
Development 48
1788 Quality and the Unequal Gains from Tariff Liberalization
Mi Dai October 18, 2022
Other 23
50 Quality Choice: Effects of Trade, Transportation Cost, and Relative Country Size
Volodymyr Lugovskyy April 10, 2009
Trade Patterns 52
44 Quality Choice: Effects of Trade, Transportation Cost, and Relative Country Size
Volodymyr Lugovskyy March 31, 2009
Transportation 43
20 Quality Choice: Effects of Trade, Transportation Cost, and Relative Country Size
Alexandre Skiba January 16, 2009
Transportation 50
313 Quality Differentiation and Trade Intermediation
Heiwai Tang September 24, 2012
Trade Patterns 75
1680 Quality Misallocation, Trade, and Regulations
Luca Macedoni February 16, 2020
Trade Policy - General 21
1604 Quality Sorting, Alchian–Allen Effect, and Geography
Kazutaka Takechi December 1, 2019
Transportation 9
427 Quality Upgrading and Price Heterogeneity: Evidence from Brazilian Exporters
Lisandra Flach January 31, 2012
Firm Level - Trade 63
419 Quality, Input Choices and Learning by Exporting: Evidence from Chinese Exporte
Luhang Wang January 16, 2012
Firm Level - Trade 46
WP# Title Topic Downloads
370 Quality, Input Choices and Learning by Exporting: Evidence from Chinese Exporter
Luhang Wang November 21, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 40
1377 Quality, Variable Markups, and Welfare: A Quantitative General Equilibrium Analysis of Export Prices
Yao Amber Li March 5, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 25
1732 Quantifying barriers to movement of service suppliers & estimating their effects
Anirudh Shingal September 10, 2020
Trade Policy - General 13
1492 Quantifying Brexit: From Ex Post to Ex Ante Using Structural Gravity
Marina Steininger December 10, 2018
Trade Policy - Regional 7
1408 Quantifying sources of internal barriers: Evidence from Indian truck GPS data
Eva Van Leemput June 13, 2018
Development 16
1563 Quantifying the "Pollution Haven": an Existing Effect but an Unsupported Hypothesis
Ting Ji July 18, 2019
Trade Patterns 13
1453 Quantifying the Aggregate Effects of Inter-Firm Knowledge Networks
Zi Wang October 22, 2018
Firm Level - Productivity 17
959 Quantifying the Distributional Implications of Trade
Sharon Traiberman August 1, 2015
Trade Policy - General 58
399 Quantifying the Gains from Trade Across Countries with Consumer Heterogeneity
Ying (Sunny) Sun December 15, 2011
Trade Policy - General 41
1674 Quantifying the impact of the US-China trade war on exports
Antoine Berthou February 14, 2020
Trade Policy - Multilateral 43
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1267 Quantifying the impacts of a Skill-based US Immigration Reform
Chen Liu August 15, 2017
Immigration 17
450 R&D subsidies and firm-level exports: evidence from France
SISSOKO Aminata March 30, 2012
Firm Level - Trade 47
196 Race-to-the-bottom unilateralism
Pierre-Louis Vézina July 29, 2010
Trade Policy - General 39
981 Re-examination of the Growth and Dynamics of the Philippine Net-Exports
Kristine Joy Martin November 20, 2015
Trade Patterns 25
1668 Real Exchange Rate Uncertainty Matters
Roman February 13, 2020
Firm Level - Trade 14
Ilona V. Tregub February 14, 2013
Development 41
232 Reallocation across firms and aggregate quality upgrading
ISABELLE MEJEAN November 8, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 44
231 Reallocation across firms and aggregate quality upgrading
ISABELLE MEJEAN November 8, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 33
1493 Reaping Gains from Global Production Sharing
Veeramani December 10, 2018
Trade Patterns 18
Mashfique Ibne Akbar July 6, 2013
Trade Policy - Regional 38
WP# Title Topic Downloads
626 Redirecting International Trade: Contracts, Conflicts, and Institutions
Patrik Gustavsson Tingvall December 10, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 38
717 Reforming through Difficult Times
Doing Business April 27, 2014
Other 31
725 Reforming through Difficult Times
Doing Business Project June 10, 2014
Other 28
1479 Regional Divergence and Import Competition
Javier Quintana Gonzalez December 9, 2018
Trade Policy - Regional 6
355 Regional Import Data and the Net Gains from Trade Liberalization
David Riker October 27, 2011
Trade Patterns 45
1290 Regional integration and development
Amelia Santos Paulino September 14, 2017
Trade Policy - Regional 24
1292 Regional Integration in Services in South Asia: Opportunities & Constraints
Anil Kumar Kanungo September 21, 2017
Trade Policy - Regional 29
1023 Regional integration of Tunisia with its trading partners: UME and Gulf Countrie
nejia anwaar dorboz January 31, 2016
Other 24
1379 Regional Variation in Per Capita Incomes among a Group of Developing Asian Econ
hrushikesh mallick March 6, 2018
Foreign Investment 9
1466 Regional Variations in Per Capita Incomes among a Group of Developing Asian Econ
hrushikesh mallick December 5, 2018
Foreign Investment 6
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1320 Regional Variations in Per Capita Incomes among a Group of Developing Asian Econ
hrushikesh mallick December 12, 2017
Foreign Investment 12
1787 Regulations and the Welfare of Economies and Society
Nick Malyshev October 10, 2022
Other 5
1700 Regulations in Commercialization
Jan Hunady August 4, 2020
Development 7
1213 Regulations in Commercialization
Jan Hunady and Marta Orviska March 30, 2017
Foreign Investment 17
1193 Regulations in Commercialization
Jan Hunady February 15, 2017
Foreign Investment 18
40 Regulatory harmonization and trade in services: volumes and choice of mode
Henk Kox, Hildegunn Nordås March 31, 2009
Trade Policy - Multilateral 49
332 Rehabilitating Heckscher-Ohlin
Bernard Beaudreau July 29, 2011
Trade Patterns 62
1626 Renewing NE India–Bangladesh Connectivity: Analysis of transport corridors
Suparna Karmakar December 7, 2019
Transportation 8
1465 Reputation of Quality in International Trade: Evidence from Consumer Product Rec
Jiatong Zhong December 5, 2018
Other 6
348 Rethinking the import-productivity nexus for Italian manufacturing: do exports matter?
Alessia Lo Turco August 6, 2012
Firm Level - Productivity 54
WP# Title Topic Downloads
74 Revenue, Variety and Productivity in China’'s Export Sector
Chen Bo July 29, 2009
Development 70
1814 Review of Strategies and Policies for Enhanced Participation in Global Value Chains
Sourish Dutta July 23, 2024
Trade Policy - General 6
316 Revisiting the determinants of unit prices
Tadashi Ito June 2, 2011
Trade Patterns 47
335 Revisiting the Olympic Effect
Rishav Bista November 1, 2011
Trade Policy - General 57
309 Revisiting the Revisited: An Alternative Test of the Monopolistic Competition Model of International Trade
Isao Kamata April 1, 2011
Trade Patterns 44
1295 Riding on the New Silk Road: Quantifying the Welfare Gains from High-Speed Rails
Mingzhi Xu October 25, 2017
Transportation 14
911 Rigorous Capital Requirements Under Basel Iii
John Taskinsoy May 22, 2015
Foreign Investment 24
482 Rising China, anxious Asia? An empirical assessment in Bayesian-DSGE model with vertical and processing trade
Chin-Yoong Wong July 20, 2012
Trade Patterns 39
1717 Rising Import Tariffs, Falling Export Growth: When Modern Supply Chains Meet Old
Ryan Monarch September 2, 2020
Trade Patterns 11
1807 Rising Protectionism and Foreign Direct Investment
Dongin Kim November 16, 2023
Foreign Investment 11
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1497 Robots, Tasks, and Trade
Paulo Bastos December 10, 2018
Trade Patterns 27
59 Robustness of the Extensive Margin in the Helpman, Melitz and Rubinstein (HMR) Model
Maxim Belenkiy May 5, 2009
Trade Patterns 45
106 Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Estimating Capital Mobility
Dr. Javed Younas December 11, 2009
Foreign Investment 54
1349 Role of “right” friends in GVC participation
Ankita Dash December 15, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 25
221 Roll out the Red Carpet and They Will Come: Investment Promotion, Information Asymmetries and FDI Inflows
Torfinn Harding October 17, 2010
Foreign Investment 48
1749 Rules of Origin and Trade Preference Utilization Among Least Developed Countries
Tobias Sytsma January 16, 2021
Trade Policy - General 28
1558 Rules of Origin Liberalization with Multi-Product Firms: Evidence and Theory from Bangladeshi Apparel Exporters
Tobias Sytsma February 6, 2021
Firm Level - Trade 31
1218 Sanctions and Export Deflection: Evidence from Iran
Jamal Ibrahim Haidar April 23, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 23
sahar Salehi December 28, 2018
Political Economy 5
611 SEA, its Re-Insurance Industry and Climate Change
Prof. Anis Bajrektarevic December 1, 2013
Foreign Investment 29
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1742 Sectoral Linkages with Non-Tradable Goods: a Comparative Analysis of Regional Trade Agreements in Africa
Fabien Candau September 30, 2020
Trade Policy - Regional 30
1054 Selective Learning-by-exporting: Firm Size And Product Versus Process Innovation
Elena Golovko March 11, 2016
Other 33
1536 Self-Harming Trade Policy? Protectionism and Production Networks,
Matteo May 8, 2019
Trade Policy - General 24
Luhang Wang December 15, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 41
546 Sensitiveness of trade to exchange rate changes
Virendra Polodoo February 3, 2013
Trade Patterns 42
1094 Sequential Exporting Across Products: Evidence From Peru
Manuel Tong July 25, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 26
1545 Sequential Exporting and Third-Country Effects of Trade Policy
Gregory Corcos June 14, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 9
857 Sequential Exporting in a Context of Trade Liberalisation - The Case of Peru
Manuel Tong Koecklin February 13, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 28
1810 Service Sector Liberalization and Firms’ Carbon Emission Intensity Reduction: Evidence from China
Yanling Wang December 20, 2023
Foreign Investment 13
1424 Services trade and credit frictions: evidence with matched bank – firm data
Francesco Bripi July 26, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 7
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1731 Services Trade and Labour Market Outcomes: Evidence from Italian Firms
Francesco Bripi September 10, 2020
Firm Level - Trade 21
17 Services Traders in the UK
Chiara Criscuolo January 15, 2009
Firm Level - Trade 44
28 Shipping good tequila out: Investment, domestic unit values & entry into exports
Leonardo Iacovone March 6, 2009
Firm Level - Trade 47
254 Shipping the Good Horses Out
Travis Ng December 17, 2010
Trade Patterns 50
1183 Short-term and Long-term impact of war on the economic performance: evidence fro
Phan Thi Van February 3, 2017
Political Economy 22
375 Should Easier Access to Credit Constraints Replace Foreign Aid?
Javed Younas November 29, 2011
Development 37
1293 Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia perspectives of potential trading relationship
George Madoda October 4, 2017
Trade Patterns 21
112 Skill Dispersion and Trade Flows
Matilde Bombardini, Giovanni Gallipoli and German Pupato December 14, 2009
Trade Patterns 47
60 Skill Dispersion and Trade Flows
Matilde Bombardini June 15, 2009
Other 39
1016 Skill Premium Divergence: The Roles of Trade, Capital and Demographics
Sang-Wook (Stanley) Cho December 15, 2015
Development 50
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1085 Skill-biased technology imports, increased schooling access, and income inequality in developing countries
Alberto Behar June 14, 2016
Other 27
11 Slicing the Value Chain Internationally: Empirical Evidence on the Offshoring
Liza Jabbour January 4, 2009
Firm Level - Trade 41
756 SMEs and Smarter Business Regulations
Anil Kapur August 2, 2014
Development 27
277 Social networks and trade of services: modeling interregional tourism flows
Carlos Llano January 31, 2011
Immigration 44
295 Sources of Learning-by-Exporting Effects
Keiko Ito March 22, 2011
Firm Level - Productivity 59
772 South-South Trade: A Quantitative Assessment
Dr. Selim Raihan October 21, 2014
Trade Policy - Multilateral 31
10 Southern Innovation and Backward Knowledge Spillovers: A Dynamic FDI Model
Keith Maskus February 23, 2024
Foreign Investment 75
1214 Sovereign Rights to Nuclear Weapons
Farhad Rezaie March 30, 2017
Political Economy 9
1401 Spatial attenuation of agglomeration externality: Evidence from firm-level data
Phan Thi Van June 6, 2018
Firm Level - Productivity 16
1425 Spatial Concentration of Sourcing in International TradeThe Role of Institutions
Fariha Kamal July 26, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 12
WP# Title Topic Downloads
850 Spatial Distribution of Skills and Regional Trade Integration
Fabien Candau February 5, 2015
Transportation 34
119 Spatial Effects of Foreign Direct Investment in US States
Andreas Waldkirch December 15, 2009
Foreign Investment 61
1521 Spatial Linkages, Global Shocks and Local Labor Markets: Theory and Evidence
Federico Esposito February 28, 2019
Trade Patterns 31
1513 Specialization, Market Access and Medium-Term Growth
Dominick Bartelme January 25, 2019
Trade Patterns 10
159 Speed Money: Time Corruption and Trade
Ben Shepherd March 8, 2010
Trade Policy - General 57
1720 Spillovers and Redistribution through Intra-Firm Networks
Jay Hyun September 4, 2020
Firm Level - General 18
1608 Spillovers and Redistribution through Intra-Firm Networks
Ryan Kim December 3, 2019
Firm Level - General 9
158 Stability of International Production Networks: Is East Asia Special?
Ayako Obashi March 3, 2010
Trade Patterns 59
1223 Stability through value chains? Role of participation in production networks par
Crt Kostevc May 31, 2017
Trade Patterns 20
1222 Stability through value chains? Role of participation in production networks par
Crt Kostevc May 30, 2017
Trade Patterns 16
WP# Title Topic Downloads
748 Standard harmonization as export promotion
Melise Jaud July 15, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 30
1622 Stock Market Liberalizations and Export Dynamics
Martin Strieborny December 6, 2019
Foreign Investment 7
115 Stock Market Synchronicity and the Global Trade Network: A Random Walk Approach
Javier Reyes December 14, 2009
Foreign Investment 43
952 Strategic Currency Choice in International Trade
Maria Sokolova August 1, 2015
Other 24
323 Strategic Sourcing, Price Markups and Labor Demand Elasticities
Nicholas Sly July 19, 2011
Foreign Investment 44
227 Straw use in Ukraine – opportunities and options
Anna Kuznetsova October 18, 2010
Foreign Investment 42
1260 Structural Change and Global Trade
Jing Zhang August 10, 2017
Trade Patterns 23
709 Structural Estimation of a Flexible Translog Gravity Model
Shawn Tan March 31, 2014
Trade Patterns 39
1073 Structure of Iran’s Foreign Trade ex-ante and ex-post Economic Sanctions
Evelyn S. Devadason April 9, 2016
Political Economy 23
1058 Structure of Iran’s Foreign Trade ex-ante and ex-post Economic Sanctions
Evelyn S. Devadasonb March 17, 2016
Political Economy 24
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1367 Substitution in Bilateral FDI: Theory and Evidence from Global FDI Firm Data
Chen Yuting February 1, 2018
Foreign Investment 18
1339 Substitution in Bilateral FDI: Theory and Evidence from Global FDI Firm Data
Chen Yuting December 14, 2017
Foreign Investment 10
1300 Substitution in Bilateral FDI: Theory and Evidence from Global FDI Firm Data
Chen Yuting November 16, 2017
Foreign Investment 10
665 Success and Failure of African Exporters
Leonardo Iacovone January 15, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 44
598 Success and Failure of African Exporters
Leonardo Iacovone November 8, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 42
282 Success and failure of African exporters
Olivier Cadot January 31, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 64
199 Success and Failure of African Exporters
Leonardo Iacovone July 30, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 46
1125 Success Strategies Saudi Entrepreneurs Used to Navigate Through Regulations in Jeddah
Farah Spencer August 27, 2016
Trade Policy - General 17
1382 Superstar Exporters: An empirical analysis of strategic interactions
Ina Jakel March 16, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 22
802 Suppliers, Investors, and Equity Market Liberalizations
Martin Strieborny November 18, 2014
Foreign Investment 29
WP# Title Topic Downloads
618 Suppliers, Investors, and Equity Market Liberalizations
Martin Strieborny December 5, 2013
Foreign Investment 31
398 Suppliers, Investors, and Equity Market Liberalizations
Martin Strieborny December 15, 2011
Foreign Investment 32
917 Supporting the Growth of Private Enterprise
Henry Sanday May 29, 2015
Development 27
214 Surviving the Global Financial Crisis: FDI and Establishment Performance
Maggie Chen August 1, 2010
Foreign Investment 53
1011 Swimming Upstream: Input-Output Linkages and the Direction of Product Adoption
Swati Dingra December 15, 2015
Firm Level - General 41
900 Synergy – The Way For Company To Overcome Financial Crisis
Petras Lickus May 19, 2015
Foreign Investment 19
274 Taking in One Another\'s Clothes? The Impact of the Removal of ATC Quotas on Tra
Patrick Conway January 25, 2011
Trade Policy - Multilateral 44
1562 Taking Stock of Trade Policy Uncertainty: Evidence from China's Pre-WTO Accessio
Armen Khederlarian July 10, 2019
Trade Policy - General 12
1636 Taking Stock of Trade Policy Uncertainty: Evidence from China's PreWTO Accession
Armen Khederlarian December 9, 2019
Trade Policy - General 8
1729 Talents from Abroad. Foreign Managers and Productivity in the United Kingdom.
Armando Rungi September 9, 2020
Immigration 14
WP# Title Topic Downloads
996 Tariff Cooperation in Free Trade Areas
Joseph Mai December 10, 2015
Trade Policy - Multilateral 31
139 Tariff Evasion Under Free Trade Agreement: Empirical Evidence from NAFTA
Andrey Stoyanov January 17, 2010
Trade Policy - Regional 52
1743 Tariff Overhang and Aid: Theory and Empirics
Susanna Thede November 24, 2020
Trade Policy - Multilateral 21
397 Tariff Pass-through, Firm Heterogeneity and Product Quality
Zhi George Yu December 15, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 46
208 Tariff Pass-through, Firm Heterogeneity and Product Quality
Zhi George Yu August 1, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 54
868 Tariff Preference & Trade Cost as Determinants of Export: The Case of Bangladesh
Mashfique Ibne Akbar February 16, 2015
Trade Patterns 36
812 Tariff reductions, trade patterns and the wage gap
Franecsco Di Comite December 1, 2014
Trade Policy - Regional 31
636 Tariff reductions, trade patterns and the wage gap
Franecsco Di Comite December 14, 2013
Trade Policy - Regional 36
315 Tariff Structure, Trade Expansion, and Canadian Protectionism from 1870-1910
Eugene Beaulieu May 26, 2011
Trade Policy - General 41
972 Tariff-induced (de)industrialization: An empirical analysis
Marjan Petreski November 9, 2015
Trade Policy - General 36
WP# Title Topic Downloads
670 Tariffs, Competition, and the Long of Firm Heterogeneity Models
Alan Spearot January 26, 2014
Trade Patterns 39
1476 Tariffs, Retailers, and Consumer Prices
Kyung In Hwang December 7, 2018
Trade Policy - General 10
101 Task Offshoring and Organizational Form: Theory and Evidence from China
Zhiyuan Li November 24, 2009
Trade Patterns 56
557 Task trade and the employment pattern
Philipp Ehrl March 4, 2014
Trade Patterns 53
171 Tax differences and foreign direct investment in the EU27
karin Olofsdotter March 31, 2010
Foreign Investment 56
818 Tax Evasion through Trade Intermediation: Evidence from Chinese Exporters
Huimin Shi December 4, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 31
1673 Tech on the ROC: Export Threshold and Technology Adoption Interacted
Stefano Costa February 14, 2020
Firm Level - Trade 12
1586 Techies, Trade, and Skill-Biased Productivity
James Harrigan August 6, 2019
Firm Level - General 17
628 Technical efficiency of establishments in Malaysia's electrical and electronics
Noor Aini Khalifah December 12, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 38
438 Technological Change, Trade in Intermediates and the Joint Impact on Productivity
Andreas Moxnes February 17, 2012
Firm Level - Productivity 48
WP# Title Topic Downloads
800 Technological Spillovers and Dynamics of Comparative Advantage
Yury Yatsynovich November 15, 2014
Trade Patterns 35
1801 Technology Adoption and Late Industrialization
Jaedo Choi September 4, 2023
Firm Level - Productivity 9
859 Technology and costs in international competitiveness
Daniele Moschella February 14, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 35
452 Technology Gap and International Knowledge Transfer
Nune Hovhannisyan March 31, 2012
Foreign Investment 57
708 Technology Gap and International Knowledge Transfer: New Evidence
Nune Hovhannisyan March 31, 2014
Foreign Investment 44
541 Technology Gap and International Knowledge Transfer: New Evidence from the Opera
Nune Hovhannisyan January 30, 2013
Foreign Investment 45
447 Technology, Trade costs, and Export Sophistication
Ermias Weldemicael March 28, 2012
Trade Patterns 44
540 Technology, Trade Costs, and the Pattern of Trade with Multi-Stage Production
Andreas Moxnes January 29, 2013
Trade Patterns 51
865 Technology, Trade, and Quality Slopes
Volodymyr Lugovskyy February 15, 2015
Trade Patterns 33
938 Technology, Trade, and Quality Slopes
Volodymyr Lugovskyy July 30, 2015
Trade Patterns 41
WP# Title Topic Downloads
733 Testing the HOV Paradigm in a world with cheap foreign labor
Kathryn Marshall July 7, 2014
Trade Patterns 31
614 Testing the Pollution Haven Hypothesis: Evidence from European Union Emissions Trading Scheme
Mingge Wu December 2, 2013
Trade Policy - Regional 35
1516 The Achievements of Regulatory Policy
Nick Malyshev January 27, 2019
Other 7
1414 The Aftermath of Antidumping - Are temporary trade barriers really temporary?
Magdalene Silberberger June 15, 2018
Trade Policy - General 18
1321 The Aftermath of Antidumping: Are Temporary Trade Barriers Really Temporary?
Magdalene Silberberger December 12, 2017
Trade Policy - General 14
156 The Age of the Dragon: Chinese Competition and the Pricing Behavior of Italian Firms
Matteo Bugamelli February 22, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 55
233 The Agglomeration of Exporters by Destination
Andrew Cassey and Katherine Schmeiser November 12, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 72
1068 The applicability of the IS-PC-MR model on the UK economy during the crisis
Jia Wei Mark Choo April 2, 2016
Political Economy 21
935 The applicability of the IS-PC-MR model on the UK economy during the crisis
Jia Wei Mark Choo July 28, 2015
Foreign Investment 23
1306 The aspect of brands and marketing
Prof. dr Veselin Dickov spe December 4, 2017
Development 16
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1397 The aspect of brands and marketing development in pharmaceutical industry
Prof. dr Veselin Dickov spe May 31, 2018
Foreign Investment 8
1355 The basis of the discovery process for a new pharmaceutical product
Prof. dr Veselin Dickov spe December 21, 2017
Development 13
75 The black box of productivity and the exporter premium
Karen Helene Ulltveit-Moe April 12, 2010
Firm Level - Productivity 44
51 The Border Puzzle Revisited: A View from Regional Specialization
Huiwen Lai April 13, 2009
Trade Patterns 39
266 The Business Environment and Moroccan Firm Productivity
Marion Dovis January 20, 2011
Firm Level - Productivity 44
Ilona V. Tregub March 15, 2015
Development 26
1503 The Causal Effect of FTA on the Trade Margins -- Evidence from Geographically Distant Partners
Sang-Wook Cho January 15, 2019
Trade Policy - Regional 34
425 The Causal Effects of Exporting on Domestic Workers: A Firm-Level Analysis using
Ayumu Tanaka January 30, 2012
Firm Level - Trade 41
882 The causal impact of migration on US trade: Evidence from
Walter Steingress March 27, 2015
Immigration 41
1659 The China boost? Supply-driven quality upgrading in Indian manufacturing firms
Alexander Copestake January 26, 2020
Development 16
WP# Title Topic Downloads
350 The Cleansing Effect of Offshore Outsourcing in an Analysis of Employment
Jooyoun Park October 14, 2011
Firm Level - Productivity 43
1607 The Coagglomeration of Innovation and Production
Ting Lan December 3, 2019
Firm Level - Productivity 5
287 The Composition of Exports and Gravity
Scott French February 27, 2011
Trade Patterns 59
848 The Composition of Knowledge and Long-Run Growth In a Path-dependent World
Nan Li January 21, 2015
Development 27
1798 The consequences of a trade collapse: Economics and politics in Weimar Germany
Bjorn Brey October 18, 2023
Political Economy 6
97 The Contribution of Trade to Growth of the Arab Countries
Hossam Younes Abd El Aziz November 3, 2009
Other 53
706 The Determinants of Cross-Border M&As in Services: Geography, Policy, and Indust
Alessandro Barattieri March 31, 2014
Foreign Investment 42
603 The Determinants of Quality Specialization
Jonathan Dingel November 27, 2013
Trade Patterns 42
1409 The diffusion of knowledge via managers' mobility
Alessandro Sforza June 14, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 11
388 The Discriminatory Effect of Domestic Regulations on International Services Trad
Matthieu Crozet December 12, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 34
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1783 The Dominant Currency Financing Channel of External Adjustment
Yannick Timmer June 12, 2022
Firm Level - Trade 4
298 The DR-CAFTA and the extensive margin: a firm-level analysis
Ana Cristina Molina March 29, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 44
635 The driving force of international trade in Vietnam economy
Nguyen Thi Nhieu December 14, 2013
Trade Patterns 48
1786 The DWP’s JSA/ESA Sanctions
David Webster October 8, 2022
Other 3
1132 The DWP’s JSA/ESA Sanctions Statistics Release
David Webster September 21, 2016
Political Economy 16
141 The Dynamics and Differentiation of Latin American Metal Exports
Benjamin Mandel January 29, 2010
Trade Patterns 35
210 The Dynamics of Firms' Product Portfolio in Response to International Competitio
Lelarge, Claire August 1, 2010
Firm Level - Productivity 43
255 The Dynamics of Firms’Product Portfolio in Response to International Competition
Lelarge, Claire December 17, 2010
Firm Level - General 42
1042 The Dynamics of Multinational Activity: Evidence from U.S. Firms
Stefania Garetto February 28, 2016
Foreign Investment 27
895 The Economic and Financial Crisis in Japan -- Lessons and Outlook
Beatrice Weder di Mauro April 20, 2015
Political Economy 20
WP# Title Topic Downloads
173 The Economic Partnership Agreement Between the Maghreb and the EU
DERBAL Abdelkader March 31, 2010
Trade Policy - Regional 80
1790 The Economics of Carbon Leakage Mitigation Policies
Federico Esposito February 1, 2023
Trade Policy - General 8
836 The Effect of Aid for Trade on Export Diversification of Recipient Countries
Yuri Kim December 15, 2014
Development 32
1296 The Effect of Bilateral Services Trade Barriers on Goods Trade
Ayca Tekin-Koru October 26, 2017
Trade Policy - General 23
1143 The Effect of Chinese Competition on the Product Variety of Indian Firms
Pavel Chakraborty November 11, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 24
1121 The Effect of Chinese Competition on the Product Variety of Indian Firms
Michael Henry August 1, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 29
831 The Effect of Credit on the Export Performance of Colombian Exporters
Monica Roa December 14, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 30
853 The Effect of Credit on the Export Performance of Colombian Exporters
Monica Roa February 10, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 31
749 The Effect of Credit on the Export Performance of Colombian Exporters
Monica Roa July 15, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 37
1207 The effect of foreign-owned large plant closures on nearby firms
Marta Bisztray March 16, 2017
Foreign Investment 18
WP# Title Topic Downloads
228 The Effect Of Home Country And Host Country Corruption On Foreign Direct Investment
M. Fabricio Perez, Josef C. Brada, Zdenek Drabek October 18, 2010
Foreign Investment 55
1351 The Effect of Multilateral Environmental Agreements on Bilateral Trade Flows
Tibor Besedes December 15, 2017
Trade Policy - Multilateral 18
1133 The Effect of Sanctions on Exchange Rates through GMM Method (A Cross Country Comparison)
Javad Babaei September 25, 2016
Trade Patterns 11
595 The Effect of the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement on Canadaian Multilateral Trade Liberalization
Andrey Stoyanov August 25, 2013
Trade Policy - Regional 48
466 The effect of Trade and Migration on Income
Giovanni Peri July 12, 2012
Immigration 44
515 The Effect of WTO on the Extensive and the Intensive Margins of Trade
Pushan Dutt March 13, 2013
Trade Policy - Multilateral 47
270 The Effects of the Internationalisation of Firms on Innovation and Productivit
Iulia Siedschlag January 25, 2011
Firm Level - Productivity 61
1309 The Effects of Crude Oil Imports, Financial Development and Fiscal Balance on C/
Mantu Kumar Mahalik December 4, 2017
Trade Policy - General 8
464 The Effects of Exports and Imported Intermediates on Productivity and the Demand
Adriana Peluffo July 11, 2012
Firm Level - Trade 48
779 The Effects of Import Competition on Worker Health
Clay Mcmanus November 4, 2014
Firm Level - General 29
WP# Title Topic Downloads
5 The Effects of Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Macro-Econometric Models: Empirical Evidence from USA
Nabeel Mahdi Aljanabi November 6, 2008
Other 34
945 The Effects of Per Capita Income on the Product Scope of Exporters
Luca Macedoni July 31, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 36
449 The Effects of the Internationalisation of Firms on Innovation and Productivity
Iulia Siedschlag March 30, 2012
Firm Level - Productivity 50
1278 The EMG Distribution and Trade Elasticities
Erick Sager August 18, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 17
1087 The endogenous skill bias of technical change in developing countries
Alberto Behar June 14, 2016
Other 25
835 The Euro Effect on Bystanders
karin Olofsdotter December 15, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 26
1160 The Evolving Network of Chinese Multinational Firms
Yiqing Xie November 30, 2016
Foreign Investment 42
299 The export strategy of Dutch exporters
Arjan Lejour July 15, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 43
76 The Extensive Margin in the Industry Trade: Estimation and Implications
Maxim Belenkiy July 30, 2009
Trade Patterns 51
1677 The Far Reach of Hurricane Maria: Evidence from U.S. Pharmaceutical Sectors
Felix Friedt February 14, 2020
Trade Patterns 6
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1797 The Financial Channel of the Exchange Rate and Global Trade
Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr June 2, 2023
Trade Patterns 8
1345 The Gains from Import Variety in Two Globalisations: Evidence from Germany
Wolf-Fabian Hungerland December 15, 2017
Trade Patterns 9
72 The gains from variety in the European Union
Michael Seitz July 26, 2009
Trade Patterns 48
1412 The Geography of Consumption
Ferdinando Monte June 15, 2018
Trade Patterns 14
1266 The Geography of Consumption
Ferdinando Monte August 14, 2017
Trade Patterns 15
117 The Global Networks of Multinational Firms
Maggie Chen April 8, 2010
Foreign Investment 69
432 The Global Welfare and Poverty Effects of Rich Nation Immigration Barriers
Scott Bradford January 31, 2012
Immigration 30
1400 The Globalization and Sources of Regional Income Growth Disparity in the Emergin
Jagannath Mallick June 5, 2018
Foreign Investment 8
1196 The granular and fundamental components of export specialization
Juan De Lucio February 26, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 22
1128 The Gravity of Experience
Pushan Dutt September 4, 2016
Trade Patterns 33
WP# Title Topic Downloads
774 The Gravity of Experience
Pushan Dutt October 26, 2014
Trade Patterns 35
693 The Gravity of Experience
Pushan Dutt April 1, 2014
Trade Patterns 47
303 The Growth and Failure of French Exporters
BERTHOU ANTOINE March 31, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 47
1231 The Heterogeneous Impact of Brexit: Early Indications from the FTSE
Ron Davies June 13, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 16
1216 The High Cost of Proliferation
Farhad Rezaie March 30, 2017
Political Economy 16
677 The Impact of Banking Deregulation on Inbound Foreign Direct Investment
Asli Leblebicioglu January 31, 2014
Foreign Investment 38
739 The Impact of Banking Deregulation on Inbound Foreign Direct Investment
Neviana Petkova July 11, 2014
Foreign Investment 24
583 The Impact of Banking Deregulation on Inbound Foreign Direct Investment: Transac
Ivan T. Kandilov July 13, 2013
Foreign Investment 34
1212 The Impact of Business Registration Costs
Christine Ferris March 25, 2017
Development 21
1275 The Impact of Emerging Market Competition on Innovation and Business Strategy
Mu-Jeung Yang August 17, 2017
Firm Level - Productivity 18
WP# Title Topic Downloads
109 The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on Plant-level Investment: Evidence from
Asli Leblebicioglu December 13, 2009
Firm Level - General 44
1090 The Impact of Exporting and FDI on Product Innovation: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturers
Michael Olabisi February 5, 2017
Foreign Investment 33
1614 The impact of globalization on youth education: Empirical evidence from China’s
Faqin Lin December 4, 2019
Other 8
974 The Impact of Heterogeneous BIT on FDI inflows to Vietnam
NGUYEN Thi Viet Hoa November 12, 2015
Foreign Investment 27
361 The Impact of Infrastructural Development on Intra-Regional Trade in West Africa
Gbadebo Olusegun ODULARU November 8, 2011
Trade Policy - Regional 46
1127 The Impact of Institutional Quality on FDI Inflows to Vietnam
NGUYEN Thi Viet Hoa September 2, 2016
Foreign Investment 30
1601 The Impact of NAFTA on Prices and Competition: Evidence from Mexican Plants
Yuan Mei November 21, 2019
Trade Policy - Regional 10
1251 The Impact of New Regionalism on Global Value Chains Participation
Stela Rubinova June 19, 2017
Trade Policy - Regional 25
220 The impact of North‐South and South‐South trade agreements on bilateral trade
Alberto Behar September 9, 2010
Trade Policy - Regional 56
Lira Peter Sekantsi July 28, 2010
Trade Patterns 42
WP# Title Topic Downloads
Efe w. Omuemu December 1, 2013
Trade Policy - Regional 40
83 The Impact of Removal of ATC Quotas on International trade in Textiles and Appar
Patrick Conway July 31, 2009
Trade Policy - General 47
576 The Impact of Revised GSP of EU on LDCs: The Case of Bangladesh
Mohamamd Masudur Rahman July 6, 2013
Trade Policy - Multilateral 35
1657 The Impact of Sanctions on the Economy of Iran
Zahra Zarouni January 26, 2020
Other 10
1140 The Impact of Sanctions on the Economy of Iran
Zahra Zarouni November 2, 2016
Other 18
885 The Impact of Skilled Foreign Workers on Firms: an Investigation of Publicly Tra
Anna Maria Mayda March 31, 2015
Immigration 31
1137 The Impact of Taxes on the Extensive and Intensive Margins of FDI
Ron Davies October 3, 2016
Foreign Investment 26
659 The Impact of the Exports of BRIC Countries Plus Turkey on the Exports of Pakistan
Aadil Nakhoda December 30, 2013
Trade Patterns 29
1057 The impact of the United States sanctions on Iran’s trade flows
Elnaz Ghaderi March 17, 2016
Political Economy 27
838 The Impact of Trade Costs on Horizontal and Vertical FDI Locations
Chinchih Chen December 15, 2014
Foreign Investment 44
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1063 The Impact of Trade Policy on Innovation : Evidence from Patent Data
Federica Coelli March 31, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 40
1031 The Impact of Trade Policy on Innovation : Evidence from Patent Data
Federica Coelli February 15, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 37
184 The impact of trade promotion services and Canadian Exporter Performance
Emily Yu July 12, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 44
617 The Impacts of Trade Cost and Export Specialization on Export: A Case Stu
Chanhphasouk VIDAVONG December 3, 2013
Trade Patterns 39
1229 The imperial roots of global trade
Pierre-Louis Vezina June 9, 2017
Trade Patterns 17
1566 The Importance of Business Travel for Trade
Bengt July 27, 2019
Trade Patterns 8
1721 The Importance of Regulatory Policy
Nick Malyshev September 7, 2020
Other 8
1515 The Importance of Regulatory Policy
Nick Malyshev January 27, 2019
Other 8
78 The Indian Business Process Outsourcing Industry: An Evaluation of Firm-Level Pe
Arti Grover Goswami July 30, 2009
Firm Level - Productivity 37
1555 The Influence Of Awareness, Moral Obligations, Tax Access, Service Quality And Tax Sanctions On Taxpayer Compliance
Yudha Aryo Sudibyo June 22, 2019
Other 4
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1333 The Interactive Effect of Immigration and Offshoring on U.S. Wages
Oleg Firsin December 14, 2017
Immigration 7
673 The Internationalization Process of Firms: from Exports to FDI
Paola Conconi January 28, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 51
984 The Keynesian Model and Modern Economy
Ilona V. Tregub November 29, 2015
Development 30
1018 The Layers of the IT Agreement's Trade Impact
Arevik Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan December 16, 2015
Trade Policy - Multilateral 30
666 The Life Cycle of Exporting Firms
Daniel Dias January 15, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 44
1806 The Linder Hypothesis for Foreign Direct Investment Revisited
Dongin Kim November 16, 2023
Foreign Investment 7
1200 The Local Impact of Containerization
Gisela Rua March 9, 2017
Transportation 18
1027 The Local Impact of Containerization
Nicolas Gendron-Carrier February 10, 2016
Transportation 34
23 The Margins of Multinational Production and the Role of Intra-Firm Trade
Andreas Moxnes November 24, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 43
711 The Methodology for the Mid-Term Forecasting of the Financial Results of Firms
Belikov V.V., Gataullina R.I., Tregub I.V. April 1, 2014
Firm Level - General 43
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1084 The New Goods Margin in New Markets
Sang-Wook (Stanley) Cho June 13, 2016
Trade Patterns 31
1075 The Nexus between Governance Infrastructure and the Ease of Doing Business in Africa
Aye Mengistu Alemu April 9, 2016
Development 24
1046 The Nexus between Governance Infrastructure and the Ease of Doing Business in Africa
Aye Mengistu Alemu March 2, 2016
Development 21
953 The Portrait of Success: Firms in International Trade
Adriana Peluffo August 1, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 38
1675 The price of remoteness: Geography and local cost of living in Ethiopia
Florian Mayneris February 14, 2020
Development 13
1712 The pro-export effect of sub-national migration networks
Anna D Ambrosio August 31, 2020
Immigration 11
1304 The real exchange rate, innovation and productivity
Harald Fadinger December 4, 2017
Firm Level - Productivity 12
293 The relation between prices of oil and us exchange rate
Nabeel Aljanabi March 19, 2011
Trade Policy - General 42
430 The relevance and significance of preferential trade in the World Trade Network
Lucia I. January 31, 2012
Trade Policy - Regional 43
1136 The Reversal of Iran’s Family Planning Program (from 2005 to present) as a New Nationalist Project
Mattia Yaghmai September 25, 2016
Trade Policy - Regional 16
WP# Title Topic Downloads
962 The Revised Generalized System Of Preference Scheme Of European Union: Implications For Bangladesh
Ismat Jarin August 23, 2015
Trade Policy - Multilateral 32
577 The Revised GPT of Canada: A Window of Opportunities for LDCs
Mohamamd Masudur Rahman July 6, 2013
Trade Policy - Multilateral 41
512 The rise and fall of (Chinese) African apparel exports
Zheng Wangq December 10, 2012
Trade Patterns 35
909 The Rise of Exporting By US Firms
William Lincoln May 22, 2015
Trade Patterns 39
1151 The role of Financial Access and Financial Development on Firm’s Exportability
Durairaj Kumarasamy November 28, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 15
856 The Role of Foreign Networks for Trade in Services: Firm-level Evidence
Magnus Lodefalk February 13, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 31
855 The Role of Foreign Networks for Trade in Services: Firm-level Evidence
Magnus Lodefalk February 13, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 24
104 The Role of Human Capital in Networks Effects: Evidence from U.S. Exports
Chong-Uk Kim December 8, 2009
Immigration 49
1663 The Role of Immigrants in the United States Labor Market and Chinese Import Comp
Chan Yu February 6, 2020
Immigration 11
1617 The Role of Immigrants in the US Labor Market and Chinese Import Competition
Chan Yu December 5, 2019
Immigration 5
WP# Title Topic Downloads
234 The Role of Multinational Enterprises in the Shutdown of State-Owned Enterprises: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe
Grzegorz Pac November 16, 2010
Foreign Investment 49
317 The Role of NAFTA and Returns to Scale in Export Duration
Tibor Besedes February 5, 2012
Trade Patterns 52
Dr. Gbadebo Olusegun ODULARU October 23, 2012
Trade Policy - General 35
1724 The Role of standards, regulations and intellectual property rights in the commercialization of innovative products and services
Jan Hunady September 7, 2020
Other 14
169 The role of Trade Cost in FDI Strategy in heterogeneous firms
Toshiyuki Matsuura March 30, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 51
1092 The Role of Transfer Prices in Profit Shifting by U.S. Multinationals
Aaron Flaaen July 21, 2016
Foreign Investment 22
1234 The Round Trip Effect: Endogenous Transport Costs and International Trade
Woan Foong Wong June 13, 2017
Transportation 16
1361 The Round Trip Effect: Endogenous Transport Costs and International Trade
Woan Foong Wong January 30, 2018
Transportation 18
1334 The Round Trip Effect: Endogenous Transport Costs and International Trade
Woan Foong Wong December 14, 2017
Transportation 9
1258 The Round Trip Effect: Endogenous Transport Costs and International Trade
Woan Foong Wong August 8, 2017
Transportation 10
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1190 The Sanctions against Russia and EU Decision-Making
Ronald Sto February 6, 2017
Trade Policy - Multilateral 15
1423 The Short and Long-run Effects of International Environmental Agreements on Trad
Josh Ederington July 25, 2018
Trade Patterns 11
1722 The Social Effects of Ease of Doing Business
Christine Ferris September 7, 2020
Other 8
1702 The Social Impact Of Business Registration Costs
Christine Ferris August 4, 2020
Development 9
294 The spatial distribution of FDI across European regions
laura Resmini March 22, 2011
Foreign Investment 54
1178 The speed of exchange rate pass through
Andreas Fischer February 2, 2017
Trade Patterns 19
1429 The Spoils of War: Trade Shocks during WWI and Spain’s Regional Development
Simon Fuchs July 29, 2018
Development 9
91 The Structure and Growth of International Trade
Massimo Riccaboni August 1, 2009
Trade Patterns 59
262 The Task Composition of Offshoring by U.S. Multinationals
Lindsay Oldenski January 8, 2011
Foreign Investment 40
1100 The time-varying trade elasticity and the time-invariant gains from trade
Archanskaia July 27, 2016
Trade Patterns 27
WP# Title Topic Downloads
343 The Tip of the Iceberg: A Quantitative Framework for Estimating Trade Costs
Andreas Moxnes August 1, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 54
190 The Tip of the Iceberg: Modeling Trade Costs and Implications for Intra-industry
Alfonso Irarrazabal July 27, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 49
182 The Trade Impacts of Domestic Transport Costs and Road Quality
Juan Blyde July 6, 2010
Transportation 57
321 The Trade Performance of the Middle East and North Africa
Alberto Behar July 12, 2011
Trade Patterns 41
742 The Trans-pacific Partnership Agreement: Opportunities And Challenges For Vietnam’s Textile And Apparel Industry
Dao Ngoc Tien July 14, 2014
Trade Policy - General 32
1811 The Trans-Sumatra Toll Road and Economic Geography in Indonesia
Yumin Hu March 4, 2024
Transportation 9
1800 The US-China Trade War and Relocation of Global Value Chains to Mexico
Hale Utar August 28, 2023
Firm Level - Trade 14
937 The Value of Theoretical Models for Real-World Market Analysis
Maryam Khan July 29, 2015
Foreign Investment 24
1496 The Welfare Benefits of Raising Your Standards
Ariel Weinberger December 10, 2018
Trade Policy - General 12
121 The World Trade Network
Luca De Benedictis December 17, 2009
Trade Patterns 61
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1442 The WTO Is Not Passé
Pushan Dutt August 30, 2018
Trade Policy - Multilateral 15
846 This is the Story of a Hurricane: Within-Country Impacts of Extreme Weather Even
Tschopp Jeanne January 19, 2015
Development 26
630 Threat of Anti-Dumping Duty and Determinants of Anti-Dumping Initiations in Case
Sagnik Bagchi December 13, 2013
Trade Policy - Multilateral 42
437 Three decades of trade policy in Uganda
Dany Jaimovich February 14, 2012
Development 40
329 Three New Empirical Tests of the Pollution Haven Hypothesis
Daniel Millimet July 28, 2011
Foreign Investment 38
1019 Time and Money as Trade Barriers
Julio Mancuso Tradenta January 26, 2016
Trade Policy - Multilateral 31
94 Time as A Determinant of Comparative Advantage
Yue Li September 11, 2009
Firm Level - Trade 49
1630 Time Value of Shipment When Transportation Modes Are Imperfect Substitutes
Jiong Wu December 8, 2019
Transportation 9
1318 To be Direct or Indirect Exporter: a Spatial Durbin Probit Approach
Qian Qian Wang December 11, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 14
1312 To the threshold and beyond: size, productivity and (scale) barriers to export
claudio vicarelli December 5, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 11
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1129 Togo - Selected Issues - IMF
Imf September 9, 2016
Political Economy 16
31 Tondach company and cross-border cooperation on SEE
Osmanković, Jasmina & Hošo, Jasmin March 19, 2009
Development 40
700 Too little to complain: The voice of Africa at the WTO (A comparison of WTO com
Shilpa Samplonius March 28, 2014
Other 32
784 Top Income Inequality, Aggregate Saving and the Gains from Trade
Lixin Tang November 8, 2014
Firm Level - General 30
1199 Total Factor Productivity, Foreign Ownership and Technology Import: Are These C
Maitri Ghosh March 8, 2017
Firm Level - Productivity 25
1560 Towards a New Framework for Analyzing Trade Growth Dynamics
Pragya Shankar July 10, 2019
Trade Patterns 7
297 Towards a Theory of Trade Finance
Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr March 28, 2011
Trade Patterns 50
226 Trade Agreement and Real Convergence in WAEMU
FE Doukoure Charles October 16, 2010
Trade Policy - Regional 32
225 Trade Agreement and Real Convergence in WAEMU
FE Doukoure Charles October 16, 2010
Trade Policy - Regional 34
1239 Trade and frictional unemployment in the global economy
Anja Grujovic June 16, 2017
Trade Policy - General 15
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1518 Trade and Institutions: Explaining Urban Giants
Fabien Candau February 19, 2019
Political Economy 19
965 Trade and Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in Urban India
Arpita Chatterjee October 7, 2015
Development 41
1508 Trade and Minimum Wages in General Equilibrium: Theory and Evidence
Xue Bai January 24, 2019
Firm Level - General 10
794 Trade and the Spatial Distribution of Transport Infrastructure
Alexander Tarasov November 12, 2014
Trade Policy - Regional 34
113 Trade as Engine of Creative Destruction
Leonardo Iacovone December 14, 2009
Firm Level - Trade 48
87 Trade as Engine of Creative Destruction
Alan L. Winters August 1, 2009
Firm Level - Trade 41
534 Trade at the Extensive Margin and Civil Wars in Africa
Dick Nuwamanya Kamuganga December 17, 2012
Trade Patterns 34
1364 Trade balance dyamics and exchange rates: in search of the J-curve
Aurelien FICHET DE CLAIRFONTAI January 31, 2018
Trade Patterns 13
88 Trade Booms, Trade Busts, and Trade Costs
David S. Jacks August 1, 2009
Trade Patterns 49
25 Trade costs and deviations from the law of one price
Jorge Chami Batista February 2, 2009
Transportation 44
WP# Title Topic Downloads
746 Trade Costs of India within Asia: Measurement and Its Determinants
SARBJIT SINGH July 15, 2014
Trade Policy - Regional 36
795 Trade Costs, Conflicts, and Defense Spending
Alexander Tarasov November 12, 2014
Political Economy 25
Sumati Varma February 6, 2017
Trade Policy - Regional 27
195 Trade Credit and International Trade During the Global Financial Crisis
Andrei Zlate July 15, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 47
1553 Trade Credit and Markups
Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr June 21, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 12
1796 Trade Credit and Relationships
Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr May 25, 2023
Firm Level - Trade 3
1422 Trade Credit in Global Supply Chains
Yasuyuki Todo July 25, 2018
Firm Level - Trade 11
1709 Trade Credit, Markups, and Relationships
Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr August 31, 2020
Firm Level - Trade 10
189 Trade Crisis? What Trade Crisis?
Giordano Mion July 26, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 45
631 Trade Defence Measures in the age of GVCs
Suparna Karmakar December 13, 2013
Trade Policy - General 39
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1463 Trade Elasticity: Estimates from Product-level Data
Juyoung Cheong December 5, 2018
Trade Patterns 18
789 Trade Facilitation and Connectivity: Perspective from China-Pakistan Economic Co
Hamid Mahmodd November 9, 2014
Trade Policy - Regional 29
663 Trade Facilitation and Country Size
Jamal Ibrahim Haidar January 9, 2014
Trade Patterns 43
809 Trade Facilitation and Enabling Trade: A Study on SMEs in Indonesia
Tulus Tambunan November 29, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 36
492 Trade Facilitation and Export Oriented MSMEs: The Indonesian Story
Tulus Tambunan October 21, 2012
Firm Level - Trade 53
Alberto Behar February 3, 2012
Trade Patterns 43
1010 Trade impact of “new” and “old” sanitary standards over MERCOSUR´s beef exports:
Juan Labraga December 15, 2015
Trade Policy - General 25
796 Trade in Tasks and the Organization of Firms
Alexander Tarasov November 12, 2014
Firm Level - General 35
327 Trade in value added and factors: A comprehensive approach
Robert Stehrer August 3, 2011
Trade Patterns 51
723 Trade Integration and the Fragility of Trade Relationships
Tibor Besedes June 6, 2014
Trade Policy - General 37
WP# Title Topic Downloads
304 Trade Integration and the Skill Premium: Evidence from Slovenia
Sang-Wook (Stanley) Cho August 14, 2012
Trade Policy - General 61
365 Trade Liberalization and Economic Growth in Iranian Economy
Mohammad Rahimi November 13, 2011
Trade Policy - General 42
1530 Trade Liberalization and Female Welfare: Dimensions of Adjustment in the United
Tibor Besedes March 29, 2019
Trade Policy - General 13
465 Trade liberalization and firm productivity: evidence from Chinese manufacturing
Liu Zhengning July 12, 2012
Firm Level - Productivity 57
1025 Trade Liberalization and Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in Urban India
Arpita Chatterjee February 2, 2016
Development 28
1116 Trade Liberalization and Investment in Foreign Capital Goods: Evidence from Indi
Ivan T. Kandilov August 1, 2016
Firm Level - Trade 23
1175 Trade Liberalization and Labor Market Polarization in China
Mingzhi Xu January 31, 2017
Development 32
1145 Trade Liberalization and the Great Labor Reallocation
Yuan Zi November 16, 2016
Trade Policy - General 24
1277 Trade Liberalization and Volatility: Evidence from Indian Firms
Asha Sundaram August 17, 2017
Firm Level - General 14
1272 Trade Liberalization Infrastructure and Firm Performance: Evidence from Ethiopia
Matteo Fiorini August 17, 2017
Firm Level - Productivity 12
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1363 Trade Liberalization, Infrastructure and Firm Performance
Asha Sundaram January 31, 2018
Firm Level - Productivity 20
997 Trade Liberalization, Intermediate Inputs, and the Demand for Managers: Evidence
Pavel Chakraborty December 11, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 33
625 Trade Liberalization, Quality, and Export Prices
Yao Amber Li December 9, 2013
Firm Level - General 46
704 Trade linkages and skills demand: Empirical evidence for the Malaysian E&E
Firm Level - Trade 41
504 Trade Margins and Labor Heterogeneity
Tuan Anh Luong November 27, 2012
Trade Patterns 39
102 Trade Openness Reduces Growth Volatility When Countries are Well Diversified
Jamus Lim December 4, 2009
Development 50
726 Trade openness, financial depth and economic development
Le Thai Ha June 17, 2014
Trade Policy - Regional 39
455 Trade policy and efficiency with Monopolistic Competition
Carlos A Cinquetti May 19, 2012
Trade Policy - General 37
155 Trade Policy and Efficiency with Monopolistic Competition
Carlos A Cinquetti February 16, 2010
Trade Policy - General 56
1115 Trade Policy and Trade Flows: An Empirical Investigation
Matthew Cadbury August 1, 2016
Trade Policy - General 30
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1664 Trade Policy Shocks and Consumer Prices
Lerong Li February 7, 2020
Trade Policy - General 19
1032 Trade Policy Uncertainty and Exports: Evidence from China's WTO Accession
Deborah Swenson February 15, 2016
Trade Policy - General 31
940 Trade Policy Uncertainty and Exports: Evidence from China’s WTO Accession
Deborah Swenson July 30, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 30
1520 Trade Policy Uncertainty and Stock Returns
Federico Esposito February 28, 2019
Trade Policy - General 32
243 Trade Restrictiveness and Deadweight Loss in China’s Imports
Bo Chen November 30, 2010
Trade Policy - General 39
1728 Trade Secrets Protection and Foreign Investment
Ivan T. Kandilov September 8, 2020
Foreign Investment 13
1688 Trade Shocks and Firms Hiring Decisions: Evidence from Vacancy Postings of Chinese Firms in the Trade War
Karsten Mau April 22, 2020
Trade Policy - Regional 39
805 Trade Shocks and Mexican Local Labor Markets in the Great Recession
Oscar Mendez November 23, 2014
Trade Patterns 31
1017 Trade Shocks and the Provision of Local Public Goods
Mine Senses December 15, 2015
Trade Policy - Regional 37
1080 Trade Shocks, Taxes, and Inequality
Doug Campbell May 22, 2016
Trade Policy - General 35
WP# Title Topic Downloads
30 Trade Without Borders: Trade Effect of EU Accession by CEECs
Cecilia Hornok March 14, 2009
Trade Patterns 47
729 Trade, Factor Mobility and the Extent of Economic Integration: Experience from t
Jean-Marie Viaene July 6, 2014
Immigration 32
167 Trade, foreign inputs and rms' decisions: Theory and Evidence
Maria Bas March 29, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 44
153 Trade, foreign inputs and rms' decisions: Theory and Evidence
Maria Bas February 8, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 49
307 Trade, Regulation and Firm-Level Productivity in the OECD
Ben Yahmed April 1, 2011
Firm Level - Productivity 52
799 Trade, Technologies, and the Evolution of Corporate Governance
Jan Simon Schymik November 15, 2014
Firm Level - General 28
640 Trade, Technology, and Institutions: How Do They Affect Wage Inequality?
Amit Sadhukhan December 15, 2013
Development 46
1656 Trade-Induced Urbanization and the Making of Modern Agriculture
Yuan Tian January 24, 2020
Development 8
701 Trade-Related Redistribution and the Political Viability of Free Trade
James Lake March 29, 2014
Political Economy 38
Firm Level - Productivity 12
WP# Title Topic Downloads
157 Trading Away Wide Brands for Cheap Brands
Swati Dhingra February 25, 2010
Firm Level - General 39
129 Trading Away Wide Brands for Cheap Brands
Swati Dhingra December 18, 2009
Firm Level - General 41
1448 Trading flows in Asia-Pacific region: convergence or diversion?
Dao Ngoc Tien October 4, 2018
Trade Patterns 8
647 Transformation of Indonesia's Export Products Post-Global Financial Crisis
Fajar Hirawan December 15, 2013
Trade Patterns 37
408 Transitional Dynamics in Product Quality: An empirical examination
Jorge Chami Batista December 17, 2011
Development 39
179 Transport costs and International Trade
Alberto Behar May 6, 2010
Trade Patterns 135
1161 Transport Infrastructure, City Productivity Growth and Industry Reallocation
Yang Yang December 4, 2016
Transportation 21
1171 Transport Infrastructure, City Productivity Growth and Sectoral Reallocation
Yang Yang January 29, 2017
Transportation 22
638 Transport liberalization and regional imbalances with endogenous freight rates
Francesco Di Comite December 14, 2013
Transportation 39
589 Two-sided Heterogeneity and Trade
Andreas Moxnes July 15, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 49
WP# Title Topic Downloads
585 U.S. High School Dropout Rates and Import Exposure
Andrew Greenland July 14, 2013
Other 35
356 U.S. Multinationals and Preferential Market Access
Emily Blanchard November 4, 2011
Political Economy 37
1359 Uncertainty, Imperfect Information and Learning in the International Market
Cheng Chen January 30, 2018
Firm Level - General 14
1420 Uncertainty, Imperfect Information and Learning in the International Market
Cheng Chen July 20, 2018
Foreign Investment 17
176 Uncovering Smuggling: Worldwide Evidence for Four Types of Trade Misinivoicing
Andreas Buehn April 13, 2010
Other 51
1356 Undeflected Pressure? The Protectionist Effect of Political Partisanship on US
Tommaso Aquilante January 9, 2018
Political Economy 13
1628 Under Attack: Terrorism and International Trade in France, 2014-16
Isabelle Rabaud December 8, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 7
1330 Understanding Exchange Rate Pass-through across firms and destinations
Puman Ouyang December 13, 2017
Trade Patterns 14
2 Understanding Interstate Trade Patterns
Hakan Yilmazkuday August 23, 2008
Trade Patterns 55
719 Understanding Regulations for Small and Medium-Size Enterprises
Doing Business April 27, 2014
Other 32
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1618 Understanding the Determinants of Current Account Performance of Selected South
hrushikesh mallick December 5, 2019
Trade Policy - Regional 5
1331 Understanding the Role of China’s Domestic Market in the Growth of World Economy
Sunghoon Chung December 14, 2017
Development 11
1502 Uneven Growth in the Extensive Margin
Guzman Ourens January 14, 2019
Development 16
1407 Uneven growth in the extensive margin
Guzman Ourens June 13, 2018
Development 14
443 Unexceptional Exporter Performance In China? The Role of Processing Trade
Mi Dai March 20, 2012
Firm Level - Productivity 39
999 US Policy Spillover(?) China's Accession to the WTO and Rising Exports to the EU
Karsten Mau December 11, 2015
Trade Patterns 28
998 US Policy Spillover(?) China's Accession to the WTO and Rising Exports to the EU
Karsten Mau December 11, 2015
Trade Patterns 25
920 US Policy Spillover?: China's Accession to the WTO and Rising Exports to the EU
Karsten Mau June 3, 2015
Trade Patterns 34
441 Use of Emotional and Rational Appeals in Promotion of Pharmaceutical Products
Assc.Prof. dr Veselin Dickov March 11, 2012
Development 32
1488 Utilising New Generation FTAs for Import and Export Growth: Potentials for Viet
Nguyen Thi Nhieu December 10, 2018
Trade Policy - Regional 20
WP# Title Topic Downloads
186 Value-Added Taxes and U.S. Trade Competitiveness
Michael Nicholson July 19, 2010
Trade Policy - General 64
1113 Value-added Trade, Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Trade Elasticity
Syed Al-Helal Uddin July 31, 2016
Trade Patterns 23
1650 Valuing Domestic Transport Infrastructure: A View from the Route Choice of Exporters
Jingting Fan January 1, 2020
Transportation 16
823 Varying Political Economy Weights of Protection: The Case of Colombia
Baybars Karacaovali December 8, 2014
Trade Policy - General 29
637 Verti-zontal Differentiation in Export Markets
Francesco Di Comite December 14, 2013
Trade Patterns 34
352 Verti-zontal Differentiation in Monopolistic Competition
Francesco Di Comite October 17, 2011
Firm Level - Trade 43
257 Vertical Specialization, Intermediate Tariffs, and the Pattern of Trade: Assessi
Shalah Mostashari December 17, 2010
Trade Policy - General 47
826 Vertical trade and export processing of establishments: Measurement matters
Noor Aini Khalifah December 11, 2014
Firm Level - Trade 41
606 Wage Inequality and Input Trade Liberalization: Firm-Level Evidence from China
Bo Chen November 29, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 40
1225 Wage Inequality and the Location of Cities
Farid Farrokhi June 4, 2017
Other 12
WP# Title Topic Downloads
1435 Wage Inequality and the Role of Multinational Firms: Evidence from German Linked
Sarah Schroder July 31, 2018
Foreign Investment 21
1224 Wages and Intra-country Industry Relocation: Evidence from China
Karsten Mau June 2, 2017
Development 15
1301 Welcoming CPTPP, Vietnam continue to promote broader international economic inte
Yen Pham Thi Hong November 21, 2017
Trade Policy - Multilateral 12
1228 Welfare Growth Accounting Revisited
Tarek Harchaoui June 8, 2017
Trade Policy - General 10
773 What are the determining factors of Industrialization in Africa?
Aram Belhadj October 22, 2014
Development 30
1459 What are the price effects of trade?
Xavier Jaravel November 28, 2018
Trade Policy - General 19
168 What Determines Services TFP Growth: Services Trade or Services-Trade Regulation
Erik van der Marel (PhD student) March 30, 2010
Trade Policy - General 61
143 What Determines the Location Choice of Multinational R&D Firms?
Iulia Siedschlag January 29, 2010
Foreign Investment 60
531 What drives Africas export diversification?
Dick Nuwamanya Kamuganga December 16, 2012
Trade Patterns 40
1534 What gains and distributional implications result from trade liberalization?
Caroline Paunov April 10, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 13
WP# Title Topic Downloads
979 What is behind the lack of unity on the EU sanctions towards Russia?
Sofia Wallberg November 18, 2015
Other 28
985 What is behind the lack of unity on the EU sanctions towards Russia?
Sofia Wallberg November 29, 2015
Political Economy 24
1221 What is the Cost of Proliferation?
Farhad Rezaie May 22, 2017
Development 13
296 What Triggers an Anti-Dumping Petition: Finding the Devil in the Detail,
Phillip McCalman March 27, 2011
Trade Policy - General 41
414 What You Export Matters: A Case for Export Diversification in the ECOWAS Sub-Reg
Lloyd Amaghionyeodiwe December 17, 2011
Trade Policy - Regional 49
1256 What's next? Returning to exports after a failure
Zuzanna Studnicka August 3, 2017
Firm Level - Trade 29
1792 When Climate Change Determines International Agreements. Evidence from Water Treaties
Fabien Candau February 25, 2023
Political Economy 13
503 When measure of trade in value added meets inspection of shock propagation in
Chin-Yoong Wong November 22, 2012
Trade Patterns 41
445 When the Floodgates Open
Hale Utar February 27, 2013
Firm Level - Trade 47
1569 Where Frontiers Interact: Mapping Firms Participation in International Markets
federico July 31, 2019
Firm Level - Trade 14
WP# Title Topic Downloads
281 Which Sectors of a Modern Economy are Most Central?
Eric Fisher January 31, 2011
Development 46
165 Which Sectors of a Modern Economy are Most Central?
Eric Fisher March 23, 2010
Development 42
1682 Who benefits from the Russia sanctions?–Trade diversion and destruction since 2014
Leonhard Hummel March 4, 2020
Other 28
1391 Who Starts the Trade War? A Theory of Export Controls and Quid Pro Quo
Zi Wang March 31, 2018
Trade Policy - General 39
154 Wholesalers and Retailers in U.S. Trade
Andrew Bernard February 15, 2010
Firm Level - Trade 52
813 Why Aren't Welfare Gains from Trade Increasing?
Archanskaia December 1, 2014
Trade Patterns 35
53 Why do Tarde Costs Vary?
Richard Pomfret April 14, 2009
Trade Patterns 50
1326 Wine in the blood? Explaining French Wine Exports: Gravity, Preferences and Gene
Chiappini December 13, 2017
Trade Patterns 9
980 Within-Firm Responses to Import Competition: Quality Upgrading and Exporting in the Peruvian Apparel Industry
Pamela Medina November 19, 2015
Firm Level - Trade 37
995 Workers beneath the Floodgates: The Impact of Low-Wage Import Competition and Wo
Hale Utar December 10, 2015
Firm Level - General 27
WP# Title Topic Downloads
718 World Bank Doing Business 2013 Report: Doing Business matter for FDI
Doing Business April 27, 2014
Other 34
1352 ‘Belt and Road’: The ‘China Dream’?
Oleksandr Shepotylo December 15, 2017
Trade Policy - Multilateral 32
688 ‘Global Financial Market Tribulations- Upshots on Major Banks’ costs and profits - A Mauritian Perspective.
Virendra Polodoo, PGCHE, CA IFS March 15, 2014
Political Economy 29
15 · “Wage Inequality in Indian Manufacturing: Is it Trade, Technology or Labour Re
Krishnarajapet V.Ramaswamy January 13, 2009
Development 45